
Is it possible to contract STD's throught oral s*x?

by  |  earlier

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I know this sounds like a stupid question, but I'm really not well versed in it, we don't have s*x-ed in my middle school so i don't really know. I'm the paranoid type and this past weekend I did somethings with an older guy that's been around the block a few times. Now he used a condom, but I performed oral s*x and well yeah, can I catch something that way? What are the risks? I'm scared to say I need to go to the doctor because my mom would flip if she new I was doing things. Or let alone that her son was g*y.

Anyways, any help would be appreciated.




  1. Vaginal, oral, and anal s*x will give you STDs. Herpes can be passed by sharing a beer too.

    Seriously, don't mess with s*x if you don't know what it can bring you. Like unwanted babies, infertility, and a lifetime of medication to ward off genital warts (just general advice). You better have a job that pays health insurance cuz the majority of businesses don't offer it anymore.

    Even if you are g*y, see the Planned Parenthood website and read up on their STD section; very informative. I believe they do free STD testing for males and females and it's supposed to be confidential even if you're underage.

  2. yes, you can become infected with a STD oral, anal, and vaginal.

    You can also get an STD from just phisical contact with a person's genitals. So, if you're giving someone a handjob, for example, and you have an open cut on your hand, the infection can spread through there.

    Same thing with your mouth. When you eat food, some of those foods (Example: Chips.) make small cuts in ur mouth which STD's can enter you system through, so be careful!

    And condoms can reduce the probability of you contracting an STD, but there is still alot of risk.Because, just in case you didn't know, condoms don't really work.

    1) When condoms are transported, they sometimes take days to arrive at their destination. Throughout this time, they undergo harsh weather conditions, and Weather greatly affects the performance of a condoms because it can get damaged both under high OR low temperatures.

    2) There are STD's small enough to trespass this latex texture of a condom so some, like HIV, can squeeze right through and into the other "victim".

    i really hope this helps, and take care. Oh, and your health matters more than what your mother thinks so ask a couzin or farther relative to take you to have an STD test, if u think u hav any std symtoms.

    you can Google 'STD's and their symtoms' to see if  u hav any of those symtoms.

    good luck!

  3. Well... Yes you can. You don't get something like Gonorrhea or oral herpes from sharing a Slurpee with someone :S

  4. don worri

  5. You can. HIV, HPV and herpes are just a few STD's that you can catch from oral s*x. You should go to your local health department and seek out a nurse willing to talk to you about s*x education. They cannot tell your parents. Good Luck!

  6. anythink want ask pls send mail to my add is

  7. yeah it is possible to

  8. Yes the person who is giving the ******* can obtain an STI. But if he used a condom then i would assume no s***n actually contacted your body. So you should be safe, but if you are over 16 (in Australia-- i donno about other countries) you can see your GP (doctor)  and they cannot call your parents if you tell them not to.

    BTW... your going to have to tell your parents one day about being g*y. You may as well do it now when they have a legal obligation to take care of you. Plus if they loved you unconditionally they would understand.

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