
Is it possible to convert a 1996,25hp Johnson (J25RLED) manual start to electric start? Web site for parts?

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Is it possible to convert a 1996,25hp Johnson (J25RLED) manual start to electric start? Web site for parts?





  2. I've run across this problem from time to time.  If the parts are available from a dealer, which they may or not be, they will be expensive.  Since this is a 12 year old engine, what I'd do is sell it and purchase a later model with starter, or a new motor.  I think you'd be surprised at what the 96 motor is still worth, but you'll be shocked at new prices.  The bottom line is that when all the cost are evaluated you'll be close to even.  Parts or new engine will offset.   P.S. I wouldn't worry about what brand of motor.

  3. You should be able too. If it were me, I would consult a local Dealer and  let them order the parts for you so you will get the right ones the first time.

    Richard C (below) has a good point.

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