
Is it possible to cover the worlds safe desserts with trees? Are you interested in this?

by  |  earlier

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If you are as I am, can we do it?

Not only the desserts, but right from our sorroundings. Am interested and longing to do it as a group.




  1. Why would you want to destroy a valuable ecosystem as a dessert?

  2. Yes it is possible, if you are willing to start with the smaller organisms such as re-establishing the microorganisms that plants depend on, and soil borne fungi.

    It isn't something that would be cheap to do, but it is possible.

    But i think you may want to do more research on what the effects destroying a desert environment would have on ecosystems around it.

  3. UM 1 thing some desserts cant grow trees because of the tempature the only things that really grow is catusus.Youll also damage the habitats and ecosystems.But  good thinking heres a way try to be more conservative with electricity and water and carpool and maybe plant a few  trees where it can grow and plant it,also pick up garbage and recycle more and stuff.Those r some of my ideas ,USE THEM IF U WANT.

  4. What would be the advantage of that?  First, there isn't enough water for them to grow.  Second, you must be assuming that most of the oxygen on earth of created by trees.  90% of it is created by oceanic algae.  So, let's add algae to the oceans.

  5. i think you mean "desert" not dessert....

    its not possible to plant trees in a desert, and i think the reason is obviouse.....

    and no im not interested...

  6. i hope you don't really think that covering deserts with trees will help the planet...

    deserts are important ecosystems too... duh

  7. HYPOTHETICALLY it is possible, but not very realistic nor effective.

    First it would ruin the ecosystem (as the first comment already stated).

    2, it would ruin the desert...

    3. it would not be fiscally responsible...

    4. I am not interested in doing it because there is a reason the desert it there...

  8. why would you want to do that? you will not only interfere with the desert ecosystem but also the desert conditions are unfavorable to grow a lot of trees. Why don't you spend your efforts in reforesting or protecting present forests from further unsustainable logging. It will be a better option in the long run.

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