
Is it possible to create a zombie like virus? my physics teacher said is possible.?

by Guest55865  |  earlier

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Is it possible to create a zombie like virus? my physics teacher said is possible.?




  1. Is possible.   If someone ever invents a virus like in 28 days later it will be possible.  

  2. this is a biology and biochemistry question

    very very very very very very improbable to make it, depending on def of a zombie

  3. Tell your physics teacher to stick to teaching physics.

  4. If you mean a virus that acts like a zombie then i'm pretty sure it already exists.. They infect people.. Then are spread by some means to other people.. In the movies they do it by bites and things and rabies can be spread like that. But if you mean make a virus that will turn someone into a zombie like..thing.. then i don't believe we've reached that stage yet.

  5. Yes it is quite possible. Depending on what your definition of Zombie is.

  6. Does your physics teacher have a degree in biology?  I have not ever  studied viruses with my engineering back ground but it does not seem very likely a virus could mutate your biology to change what your body needs to go on day to day. ie eat raw brains for food and not require sleep.

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