
Is it possible to create "superhumans" through genetic engineering?

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Realistically, is there a certain gene that can be harnessed that enable heightened senses or above average strength, durability, intelligence or even enhanced speed?




  1. The Eugenics debate...

    Possible - yes, it's been shown that selective breeding can do remarkable things.

    Will human beings readily submit to being told who to have children with?  Not likely.  There are an enormous number of cultural taboos to get past.

  2. yeah in hollywood it is possible !!!!!!!!!!

  3. No doubt it is possible.  We haven't figured out how yet, but somebody will.  The question is how much improvement can be achieved.  There have to be limits, and there will be tradeoffs.  You probably can't have all of the above in the same person.

  4. It is possible to enhance humans through both selective breeding, genetic manipulation and drugs.  There is typically no one gene for everything.  The best bet would be to start with restructuring the DNA.  Remove the undesired segments and insert the modifications.  This is currently not possible, but it is theoretically possible.

    The problem is ethics in the scientific community.  Research into this is one of those taboo parts of science.  If a researcher talks about it, they are branded as trying to play god.  

    There are also those who believe that if enhancements become available, only the rich will have access to it, giving those in a better situation in an even better situation.  This could lead to another race struggle in the world between the anhanced and the naturals.

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