
Is it possible to decline the advancement of our own personal self?

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Really, I hate who I am... I annoy the h**l out of myself. I would like to just get rid of this person and start again. I'm starting to do destructive things to myself... as in things you would do to make your enemy look bad because you despise them so much. I know it's human nature to be selfish but the thing is, I've recently started to not care. I would rather others be right so I can be wrong. I would rather someone be angry with me than to have them be happy with me. What is wrong with me? Does anyone else ever feel this way?




  1. I really doubt that you are this person that you say you are. For certain you where not born this way and so something must have happened to change you. If you can target these things (or single thing) that did whatever they did to you then perhaps you can undo them.

    If not then perhaps you need to find purpose to your life but that I cant tell you how to do because I could never live your life and think your thoughts but some times even just searching for purpose gives you some

    Or maybe your question goes deeper almost as though your asking why live if life is so horrible. If so than what I believe is that every one has a terrible emptiness in them that they try to fill. whether it is with drugs or alcohol or TV or even pain.  but really what some one may need is to quench that desire with something that isn't short lived and destructive.

    this may or may not be helpful because I'm only speaking in theory and not from a great deal of experience. When my grandmother died I fell pretty far but it doesn't sound as pain full as your experience.

  2. There are plenty of challenges that other people find worthwhile, but you can't find one that YOU find worthwhile.  Keep searching, that's all you can do.

    You could try taking up kendo.  It's a good excuse to hit somebody with a stick without getting arrested.  Perhaps you're just so comfortable that you don't really want to change things.  THAT can be deadly, if you don't deal with it head on.

  3. Yes . It goes hand in hand with low self-esteem . Two of the quickest ways to assure lack or as you say "decline" are  fear and selfishness. When you ask "what is wrong" - the answer leaps out on the page ..Like attracts like . By destructive thoughts you attract the thing you think about all day long. The best way to renew you is self-affirmation ; and the way to be a "new" person is to overcome . No one person is perfect . For some reason you are way too hard on yourself . Today is the first day of the rest of your life . You can be a better you than the old one if you feed your subconscious mind constructive thoughts and get rid of the destructive ones once and for all . Mean what you say and it will translate into reality in a short time .

    For some positive affirmations , I suggest you do a search for quotes from some of these greats :

    Napoleon Hill ; Charles Haanel ; Leo Buscaglia ; Norman Vincent Peale.

  4. ok, if you're not a teenager you need to seek help! if on the other hand you're 17 like your id says, you're probably experiencing some sort of crisis. now you're the only one who can figure out its source, and that is the only thing that will help. I was there for a good two years, nearly messed upmy whole future. I just wanted to say to you, indifference is the worst kind of malady. if you need to be angry, or depressed, or mean to others, fine, you and them will endure, but indifference spoils something inside and I don't think there's recovery from that. No one can tell you how to fix things, but what worked for me was finding a passion - somenthing I could really care about, and be involved in, and be good at. it could be anything, and it could be more than a single thing. to this day I get depressed, or angry, and when I do I take refuge in doing something I truly enjoy. relax a little! it will get better. good luck!

  5. yes are saying why do I bother...everything I do still brings me no joy.....yes I feel like this is a fight to stay alive....if you find a way to correct let me know

  6. Ask yourself honestly  why you hate your self ,when you have honestly answered this ,thats were you start to change the things your hating.I have heard many people say they don't care about certain things any more,This is not necessarily a bad thing ,it merely mean that certain things have lost there control over you ,that your FREE.

  7. I always feel like this when I disappoint myself. Nothing else or nobody else gives me this feeling. When I do what I know it is good and has to be done, I get rid of this feeling, and life gets worth living.

  8. Yes it is possible to sabotage yourself and your own happiness.   You need love in your heart - when you have love in your heart it is impossible to hurt yourself or others.

    Please try.

    I feel you are in pain and that hurt needs healing.

    Reach out to those that love you and accept yourself - just try to do better - and no - I never feel this way.

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