
Is it possible to develop humanoid robots that can attain the same feelings and senses as ourselves?

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I'm talking about a technology that makes the robot behave and interact indistinguishable from a human...except that inside, it is a machine. Just a thought. Explain your view.




  1. Surely possible....

    some justifications...

    1.Programme the robot with instructions such that it can get angry, happy, sad, excited... for reasons.

    2. It can respond to touch, heat, speed, voice, visual signals,.... by its sensors.

    Nowadays we have sensors for all the above listed.

    3.Billons and billions of codes have to be written to make it nearly or completely human... more and variety of codes, the better robot will work.

    4.May seem very hard to bring these mentioned points to practice... but as like all technologies,once put into mass production; cheaper will      be the things .

    5.Compare human with computer.. Things can be visualised clearly. humans= actions----to-->  brain              ----to--> organs--to--> reaction

    computer= input -----to-->  memory & CU  ---to---> output.

    6. But better not to go against all odds and nature...

    GOOD LUCK :-)

  2. There is no technical reason that prevents it.

    However, do we really want robots that have attitude problems?  No, we want electromechanical slaves with nice personalities.

  3. This philosophical discussion has been running nearly as long as computers have existed.  I enjoyed hearing the Minsky - Papert debates on this at MIT in the 60's.  Can a computer ever enjoy a sunset or love its mother?  Probably not.  Can it fool a human?  Probably.  That's the classic Turing Test.  Perhaps some day if we ever understand human thought and emotion, will be able to design a computer to replicate or mimic it.

  4. Absolutely.....though some would be easier to replicate than others.

    We already have humonoid robots amongts us, you probably know one yourself. It's that person who is so routinized(sorry-80's word I swore I'd never use)that any deviation from their daily activty leaves them lost. To recharge they plop into the seat and push the same button on the remote,go to bed wake up and start all over again.

    The one thing that humanoid bots and humans have is a wiring problem, We know where thats going.

    Saving a couple of chapters here, a bot would be easily distingusable because they wouldn't s***w up as much.

  5. I've answered over 500 Y! Answers questions this week.  Do you really think i might be human?

  6. I have a tendency to agree, what with those fuzzy logic inventions of machines, infra-red sensor actions etc.  But I feel the 'emotional' criteria is a little complicated and cannot be substituted.

    Long live Real Humans!

    Have a Nice day.

  7. Why not? The mind is just a mass collection of neurons. Neurons can be converted into equations and included into programs that contol a robot. Many of the most intelligent programs implement neural networks. The biggest difference between a brain and a computer is that the brain can process information in parallel(alot at once); a computer processes information serialy(one line at a time). So programs that mimic neural networks tend to run much slower than a brain. The technology that could bring a computer up to par with a brain would be a very fast processor capable of computing millions of neural network equations per milisecond (give or take alot). That and the brain solves many day to day "unsolvable problems" that seem to be too complex to solve. Its like asking to find the two numbers that were multiplied together to create the product 100.  

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