
Is it possible to develop other types of ESP if you already possess one or two of the types of ESP?

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*See Wikipedia on types of ESP*

Is it possible to develop those skills if you already own one? Or maybe even if you don't, can you possess them? Can you train yourself own such powers? I'm very curious. Thanks.




  1. If you can convince yourself you have one kind of ESP then I'm sure you can convince yourself you have all kinds of ESP.

  2. I think most people possess some form of ESP, or at least the capacity for it.

    the mind is like any other muscle, it must be trained, and ESP (or whatever you wanna call it) is like any other skill, it must be learned.

    try meditation for a few minutes a day, some deep breathig, and increase you periods of meditation gradually.

    after a couple years of this, you may start to lose hope.

    at this point, i suggest reading "The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar" by Roald Dahl.

  3. Yes . . . I have both PSE and Vuja De . . .

  4. You already have the entire range of abilities.

    Why would you think of them in terms of 'possession' and 'ownership' I don't understand. They are part of you, of who you are. Just as your ability to see, touch, walk, your sexuality, the color of your hair, your playing the guitar skill. You do not own them, they simply define you.

    If you are good at playing the violin it doesn't mean you are unable to play the piano; it's just that you didn't care to look into that art. But you still 'own' hands and you could do it - you just didn't think about trying.

    There are different exercises for the mind - just as there are exercises for strengthening your upper arms' muscles.

    The more aware of them you are and the more decided to 'develop' them, the higher the odds.

    Good luck!

  5. Hello Den

    Psychic ability is present in us all, it branches of into many types.

    You can many, one or all of them.

    As all are abilities they have to be developed to be of any concrete value, & yes new ones can be cultivated.


  6. I will telepath the answer to you :)

  7. Only when the aliens come back and abduct you and probe you and Bush killed millions of his own people and got away with it and goku turns super saiyan in his fight agianst freeza.

    If all three of those happen, you will have all sorts of super powers.

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