
Is it possible to develop supernatural skills?

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is is possible specifically develop skills such as teleportation, psychic abilities, and shapeshifting? and other stuff too.




  1. being a normal human,it's hard rathr impossible but due to ur extraoridinary self confidential power,internally existed magnetic forces,every ipossible mission can be completed.if someone wanna verify by chatting me,plz e-mail at ajinternationals,

  2. Supposedly psychic abilities and telekinesis and such can be developed if you concentrate on it long enough. I've never heard anything about teleportation or shapeshifting though.

  3. yes you can learn how to use your  psychic abilities,I believe that everyone has  psychic abilities but most are afraid,or don't know how to use them

  4. well i don't no

    i was born a telekinetic

    and i don't think you can just become one

    like my cosien

    shes a medium

  5. No, there's no evidence that these items you list are real, so don't waste your time trying to get unreal skills. Psychics are frauds who take money from gullible people. Some sleight of hand magicians do tricks involving some of these things. The key word here is "tricks". If you want to be a magician, that's fine, but don't waste time on unreal things.

  6. Psychic abilities-well they say that everyone has them to an extent, and that you develop them with intense concentration, meditation, and practice.  Parapsychology experiments only show minute things like micropsychokinesis-altering the odds of random outcomes; in everyday people.  Though I am not sure about people who claim to be able to move objects slightly.  

    Teleportation and shape shifting, I doubt it, but who knows.

    "Magik" as n New Age/Neo-Pagan/Wicca, well ask a practitioner.

  7. No.

    If you can prove any of these things, there is money to be claimed.  Every single person put to scientific scrutiny has turned out to be a fraud.

  8. Yes it is.  There are schools for that.  There is a very famous one in England, I can't remember the whole name of it, but part of the name is Arthur.  California has the Berkeley Psychic Institute, they have several different branches, and the church that Suzy mentioned.  You can look them up on line at    

  9. I'm a skeptic, but I do believe that people can have connections.

    Like identical twins have connections- even if they're far away from eachother.

    I've had a few 'connections' with people I'm close to, like my sister and an old best friend.

    Nothing to do with powers though. Apparently it's to do with our brain waves adjusting so that they're on a similar level to someone who we spend alot of time with.

  10. Unfortunately no, not anymore.

    You see, I was unknowingly born with the supernatural power to permanently remove all supernatural powers from everyone on the planet, and to alter their DNA is such a way that nothing could ever be done to recover them.

    I am sorry I was born that way, but I understand that this power manifested itself just a few hours after my birth, way before I could even figure out how to control it.

  11. Yes you can develop them.  Try going absolutely insane.  I understand that being a schizophrenic helps.

  12. Some people are born with them, others go to a development class in the Spiritualist Church.

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