
Is it possible to develop telekinesis, or see the future?

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Is it possible to develop telekinesis, or see the future?




  1. I do not believe telekinesis to be possible or think it will ever be possible. As for precognition (seeing the future), I am not sure. I do not believe our lives are chosen for us, I believe our choices make our future, so how could it be possible? If precognition were to be possible, it could only be a projection into the future from the view of this very moment. I find precognition to be fascinating.

  2. Pay attention to feelings of deja vu. This is your mind telling you that you need to follow a certain path. The world is a really old place filled with a lot of history. Deja vu is your mind's connection to that history and it can help with your intuition of the future.

  3. It is possible to "see" the future... when it gets here! Prediction is not actually seeing. Plenty of people predict the future: stock brokers, seismologists, meteorologists... what makes it extraordinary is when predictions of events mesh with reality. It's been known to happen, on occasion.

    Telekinesis, also called psychokinesis, hasn't been shown to actually exist, though it has also not been conclusively proved to be false, either. I would suggest a suspension of judgment. It may be a possible solution as to why poltergeists happen (poltergeist activity is at its strongest with a teenage girl in a house with high emotional levels and a high level of subterranean limestone). However, more study is needed in order to actually arrive at a conclusion.

  4. Anything is possible.( but i dont believe in telekinesis and levitation)

  5. I have foreseen that it is impossible to develop telekinesis or see the future.

  6. yes, and maybe.

    people will tell you that you can't see the future. they however probably never have had an experience like I have. I have been seeing the future in my dreams for a while now, you just have to pay attention to them. it is possible and the future is set, beacuse if it wasn't, how could one see it? as for Tk I have never experienced it but I do believe that it could be possible, so I can't tell you for sure. hope I helped :)

  7. Close minded skeptical fearful trolls will tell you that neither of those things are possible.

    And they would be completely correct.

  8. Consider this: If one can fortell the future with any certainty, that means that the future is already determined, which means that there is no difference between the future and the past, which means that we have no free will.

    So if you believe in fortunetelling you must also believe that people have no choice. Thus there is no point in telling fortunes.

  9. No and no.

    Telekinesis has never been shown to exist, and since it would break several laws of physics as we know them, we can safely assume it doesn't exist.

    The future is not set.  Everything you do changes your future and the future of everyone around you.  Therefore, no one can see the future.  Besides the fact that they've never actually predicted anything correctly and consistently.

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