
Is it possible to differentiate between differing types of criminals in South Africa and how?

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J. Arthur Brown, the fraudster who embezzled millions while head of Fidentia Holdings, mainly from the poor and mining pension funds, now blames his alleged rape while still in police custody on the fact that he was forced to share facilities with "ordinary criminals"......

What exactly is an "ordinary criminal" and how precisely is J. Arthur Brown any different in nature or circumstance to such criminals?

Should there be differentiation between differing types of criminal offenders in South Africa and along what lines?




  1. You are right in thinking that all criminals are just that - criminals.  But I do think that one should separate the violent, abusive criminals from the "white collar criminals".  Sad, actually, because the "white collar" could give the "other" criminals valuable tips, IF they would give the guy a chance.  Unfortunately, the bad okes outnumber the "white collar" okes by about 100 to 1, I reckon.  

    Under those circumstances, preserve the "white collar" criminals from these people.  When a "white collar has served his sentence, he is not likely to go out and murder and rape anyone.

  2. No because until they are found guilty all the "ordinary" criminals he mention are actually just normal people who have been arrested until the state can prove a case against them. Remember you are  innocent until found guilty. Only after they are found guilty and become prisoners do correctional Services move the different prisoners around, most of the most serious criminals eg. serial killers, most violent rapist and robbers, most of whom received life imprisonment, go to C - Max in Pretoria. Correctional services usually do put the different types of criminals together in one block in prison. J Arthur Brown must stop squealing ......he should have thought about it when he started stealing all that money, too much money for one person to spend, I feel nothing for him. what about the thousands of miners widows and orphans who now has no income, think how are they suffering, all because of one greedy pig called J Arthur Brown.

  3. Emjay could perhaps verify based on his family members being in custody.

    I know that white collar criminals are separated from the gang members in prisons.  However, due to over crowding, the officials have placed a lot of hard criminals with good behaviour amongst the white collar guys.

    If Brown is guilty then he should suffer.

  4. Agreed - violent and non-violent criminals should, in a better world, be separated. Unfortunately, with overcrowding, this is perhaps asking a bit too much in some areas. In the States there is a prison or two for white collar criminals that appear more like country clubs with everything a person could ask for. I do not think that is proper either. It is usually those who have had some degree of power and are rich who end up in them and I think it leaves the wrong message. A thief is a thief whether or not he used to be a pillar of some community.

    In response to Dark one: If castration accomplished what you want, I would be all for it. But it doesn't. Rape is not a s*x crime. It is a crime of control using violence. Removing gonads from household pets may make them more docile but removing gonads from men has been tried and failed miserably because the anger and need to control someone else with violence  remains. Remove the entire p***s and they simply resort to a different tool. (No pun intended)

  5. To a degree I think there should be - if one is pulled over my the Metro Police and are not willing to pay the standard bribe - and they arrest you for outstanding traffic violations - I don't think under those circumstances you should be "housed" with rapists and murderers....

    I think they should put all the sexual offenders together and let them sort each other out - or preferably give them all knives so that they can have a wail of a time castrating each other - I think we will all be better off....

    So yes I feel violent and non-violent criminals should be kept apart!!!

  6. I don't believe anybody deserves to be raped.

    permanent Chemical castration for rapists.

    I also believe that men in prison should be chemically castrated for the duration of their prison term. White collar or not.

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