
Is it possible to disable/remove the comments section from youtube?

by  |  earlier

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My kids watch videos on youtube but often the "comments" section has rude comments with profanity. Is it possible to disable the comments section so that they don't appear?




  1. No, but you can block people from commenting on videos they have uploaded.

    You can also change the settings while watching any video so that comments don't show up if they are rated poor quality. Any comment starts as zero, and loses a point when it gets a thumbs down. If it gets a thumbs up it gains a point. So you could set that to show only comments of say 5 points or more. Rude comments don't get rated highly.

    You could ask your kids to tell you about why some comments are appreciated and some not. They can see for themselves how that works.  

  2. nope

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