
Is it possible to disagree with someone's opinion without calling them stupid or unintelligent?

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Seems like a person can't dissent or be allowed to have a different point of view without getting a ration of ridicule or verbal abuse for it or accused of being either prejudiced or politically correct. Why?




  1. most people don't know how to debate. debate doesn't alow name calling or low blows. it uses knowledge of the subject and polite corrections. what happens is people get upset when you don't suddenly find them 100% right and want to jump on their side which then leads them to being flustered because their ego is hit and therefore they need to hurt you as much as possible. people don't realise how much a subject means to them and when to say "sorry... we shouldn't talk about this it'll make me upset".

  2. yes it is but in ya its as if pple show their rigidity of thought and rigidity of respect

  3. Yes, it's possible.

  4. On the internet - apparently not. I think some people are frustrated in their actual lives and use the internet to verbally bludgeon someone with opposing views to prop themselves up a bit. I have pretty much stopped asking questions in certain sections ( politics for example ) because of some small minded types who don't care about the words that I have typed - they just want a target. .  It's bullying, pure and simple - I guess it makes them feel better about themselves. It is very petty in reality - as all bullying is.

  5. I think it's very possible when you get a bunch of intelligent people together. People who think logically and have an opinion don't mind sharing there point with wit, and a clever view on why they feel the way they do. On the other hand, you have people who think that only one view is the right view, and that one is always the one they have. With billions and billions of people on this planet, how could there only be one correct ''view". I THINK NOT that's just absurd. at least thats my VIEW. haha

  6. You can just politely say you disagree.  I watch it in debates all the time.  It is often the person who knows they just lost the debate or who is so closed-minded and stubborn that they wouldn't listen to you anyway that usually starts the name-calling.

  7. I think so, I know I disagree with many people on Yahoo! Answers, sometimes they make good points but I don't agree with them. I don't feel a need to put them down or call them stupid. I think that some people do it because they for some reason can't comprehend someone not holding the same opinion as them. Or it is a victory thing like they need to feel right all the time. I know that is how my brother is, he will agree you down until you say you agree with him. When you tell him something like "okay, I don't agree but your entitled to your opinion" you know trying to drop the subject he won't let it drop. Then it turns ugly. I wish more people would just agree to disagree and let things go!

  8. it is possible but hard to do because once the argument gets heated, like it or not, it would be personal already and name calling will happen.

  9. Sure. Just don't get personal or insulting when making your point. Don't say the person is mean, stupid etc. When you present your own views , be clear you are stating your own opininon. I don't think taxes should be raised, rather than taxes shouldn't be raised.

  10. I think it is possible, but it rarely ends that way.

  11. Of course it's possible - just really difficult, especially when the subject of disagreement is something one or both parties feel very strongly about. And sometimes people *are* being prejudiced. I don't think it's right to insult someone needlessly, but I do think it's good to call people out. I myself don't like being called out or criticized, but sometimes it ends up being for the best. Maybe I have a prejudice that I didn't even realize I had, and if someone calls it to my attention, it can be kind of a wake-up call. I guess it just depends on how sensitive you are, and how you react to criticism.

    I don't want to defend people who needlessly insult, even myself at times, but I do think that sometimes just being respectful doesn't cut it. If someone is being hateful or just plain ignorant, I do accuse them of prejudice or stupidity. It grates on my nerves, and perhaps there's a better way of dealing with it, but I always try to be *constructive* when I criticize. I feel that if I'm too respectful, my answer won't be quite as effective, and deep down I hope that maybe one of these people will snap out of it.

  12. This kind of abuse is called an Ad Homonym argument  -- that is, against the person.  Someone won't deal with the issue and so attacks the other person instead.  We see it all the time in politics, and half-wit academics seem required to pretend that they don't understand a contrary viewpoint.

    You might want to look the term upon wikipedia or elsewhere.

      hang in there --  jerry

  13. The best thing to say is "I accept your opinion/view as your own, however mine conflicts with it." yaddah yaddah yaddah if you want to get into a big conversation about it.

    People often forget when debating or arguing points that there are NO right and wrong answers or trains of the thoughts.  They a merely arguing ideas that have different results and some may be considered more harmful than others.  They are all just opinions.

  14. Of course it is possible! Who can´t respect the different point of view of other is a trully ignorant person and it´s not worth to have a discussion with...

  15. it's all in how it is presented!

    i can disagree with someone by either just saying i'm sorry i don't agree and let it alone!

    or what most people do is slam the other persons wishes!

    lets say i don't agree with you so i can just say that or say your stupid for not agreeing with me!

    so if your cool about it and say something like!

    Wow very interesting points you have. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!  

    that way it's open ended! plus if you think about it why even bring up that you don't agree unless you want someone to get deviensive! or you need to hash it out like some things in a personal life kids or no kids that's something that needs to be talked about!

    but weather your like something or not or think something is working!  unless asked don't speak!

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