
Is it possible to do f******n restoration after an adult circumcision?

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Is f******n restoration possible for all circumcised men, or only those circumcised as infants? I was cut at age 20 by an over zealous urologist, and definitely want to restore my f******n as soon as possible. I know I can never regain the exact structures lost, but I would like the skin back if nothing else. But so far all of the information I have found deals with restoring circumcisions performed in infancy. Any help is appreciated.




  1. Sure it can be restored.      I'm restoring and several guys in my support groups were mutilated (circumcised) in their late teens, and restored successfully.

    These guys all agree that;

    s*x with an intact f******n is a................................10

    s*x after circumcision is a......................................  3

    s*x after f******n restoration................................  7

    I'm using the TLC Tugger, and it's vastly increased my sensitivity and the orgasms are much more intense than they ever were.

    It's not easy, and not quick, but the results are well worth it.

    It will take, in fact, several years.    But beginning is easier if you have a little loose skin to work with when flaccid.    There are many methods and devices.      Just type in f******n restoration on your browser.     The oils don't work, they're just expensive.     Most of the devices are pretty good, however.

    Surgical restoration isn't good, either, as the skin that's grafted from the s*****m doesn't have any feeling.

    Restoring my f******n has given me a new lease on life, new sensitivity, increased my libido, and it's like having a new p***s.

    You can contact me if you have more questions.

  2. that's not a problem, there are several restorers who were cut later in life and seeing the difference wanted it back

    there is no difference in the restoration process

    here's some great places to get more information

    live chatroom with restorers

    forum to discuss restoration


  3. Yes I am pretty sure you can restore it the same way even if you were circumcised as an adult.

    Sorry you got cut :-(


  4. Yeah, it can be done. It takes a long time and lots of work and maybe a little surgery. But I have read articles online about it being done. Search hard enough and you will find it.

  5. I am confused.  You got a circumcision and now you want your f******n back?  Why did you get it done in the first place?

  6. yes there is a method that is not well known but its done by adding weights to the p***s allowing for the skin to gradually grow to again cover the penile head...seen on on 20/20 last year.

    The program did work for the people that tried it but it took quite a long time and different weights for the procedure to actually work

  7. Are you insane?

    Why would you possibly want to do that?

    I recommend a staple gun and a meat cleaver...

    This question will give me nightmares..

  8. This question will give me nightmares as well...


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