
Is it possible to drive to South America from the United States on a SUV?

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Is it possible to drive to South America from the United States on a SUV?




  1. Yes it is possible.  I met a guy who started in California and ended in Ecuador.

  2. Yes, if one was to drive on the Pan-American Highway. It will be a long drive but not impossible

  3. You can travel through the carretera panamericana, it goes from Alaska to Chile and Argentina, but in Panama you must travel to colombia by ferry the road does not connect for 87 Km.

    A couple from argentina, called the Amunches travelled on a Land Rover Defender. from Argentina Through America, you can  check their travel on the net, just type amunches. and you can contact them. Have a nice drive

  4. There is a road, however if I remember correctly it is not fully paved. The off roading part of the trip is substantial, and you should only do it if you are experienced. (ie: don't try it in a off the lot Blazer.

    I remember a land rover or Such show on Discovery about it. it anit' easy.

  5. Definitely. Just prepare to deal with A LOT of sketchy borders patrols.

  6. You can drive to Panama, but once you reach the The Darién Gap the Columbian Rebels will take your SUV and if you're lucky... they'll let you walk home.

    Here, you should take a Ferry from Colon, Panama to Cartagena, Columbia... if you can.

    Good luck.

  7. Theoretically, you could get through the Darien Gap in dry season if the car is rugged enough.  The drug traffickers and rebels would probably take your car, money and possibly your life. That is no exaggeration.  Everywhere else is quite OK as long as you stay on the Panamerican.  The Peru-Bolivia border closes a lot due to labor strikes and blockades.

  8. You can get there by bicycle if you want to, just don't drink the water.

  9. Not straight, one would have to get a boat in Panama.

    The Pan American highway has a gap of about 60 miles of jungle between Panama and Columbia about 200 miles south of the canal (there are bridges over the canal). Since the two countries are unfriendly they never finished the road. The gap is dense rainforest and swamp. It is called the Darien Gap.

    There  was a ferry service that went to between Panama and Columbia (a couple hundred mile boat ride) but that was discontinued a few years ago according to one rumor. The only way now is to use a commercial freighter and that would probably run at least a couple thousand dollars.

    Such a trip is "possible" because about 30 years ago a group with extensive support basically carried a small vehicle and made a road as they went but that transit of the 60 mile "gap" took them several months. I think it has been done twice. Since then the road they made such as it was, returned to jungle. I think the efort involved close to 50 workers.

    About 4 years ago some people attempted to hike the distance on foot between Panama and Columbia but they were captured by Columbian communist rebels and held for about 6 months. Some locals probably still hike the trip but it is far more than the regular "unsafe" for anyone who is not obviously a local. I don't know of any reports of people doing the hike recently but it was done a lot about a decade ago before the insurgents took the area in Columbia.

    I have driven to the "end" of the road in Panama from the USA. It was a 10,000 mile round trip from near Atlanta in the USA. Going that far is moderately but not extremely unsafe, I was robbed once and paid well over $200 dollars in bribes at one border to clear the paperwork. Otherwise gas, food, and other essentials are easy to obtain for the route that far.

    Once the road is finished and Columbia becomes a bit safer I hope to do the trip, but dont plan on it for at least a decade.

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