
Is it possible to ebolish social & economical inequalities through democratic government?

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Is it possible to ebolish social & economical inequalities through democratic government?




  1. Yes, make Republicans extinct!

  2. Yes it is!

    But in India politicians have a vested interest in maintaining the social and economic inqualities.

    Every politician will appeal to his disadvantaged vote bank.

    Mayawati to the dalits, congress to the muslims, kashmiri separatist parties to the kashmiris who want independence, telegana rastriya samiti to people of andhra who want a separate state and so on so forth.

    Economic inequalities are a conspiracy of the politicians!

    It can be abolished when selfless politicians with nationalist agendas

    come to power and when people of the country start to demand more accountability from the government!

  3. No. All governments are corrupt!

  4. Abolition is not possible, but the gap can be minimised by putting people in productive uses. Democracy does not mean making people unproductive by way of subsedies and exemptions etc.

  5. There will always be some inequities.  Democracy does not change those inequities in and of itself.  But it does allow people, through majority rule, to impact how their government does business, shape  priorities and influence what kind of future their Country has.

    Many democracies fail.  Ours exists because of the system of checks and balances that keep the military from taking over, the Executive Branch from taking over and the Courts from taking over and a very strong division between states rights and Federal laws.  It is that balance that  allows social and economic inequalities to be addressed through making sure, in theory at least, that every person starts on a level playing field and can go as far as their ability, talents and hard work can take them.  This brings us closer to handling the inequities and solving problems.  It is also that balance that has allowed people to rise through the ranks and people with inherited wealth fail due to lack of ability.

    Since the Country was based on freedom of religion, Harvard has never had a religious college.  It was founded on the principle that the farmers etc who attended would learn to participate in government and government would be secular.  One of the most well known ministers of the Day was elected President of Harvard and dismissed because of his rigid religious intolerance and narrow set of  beliefs.  

    Our democracy  has always had this tension and dillemma.  People of faith strong enough that they left their homes for religious freedom and those same people  holding on to a very strictly secular government so no faith would dominate.  

    The states retained rights over marriage laws and many social cultural issues that are religious.   It was the job of the Courts and the Federal Government to insure no social or economic inequities came about by prejudice against religions or ethnic groups or beliefs.  

    I feel that we have entered dangerous territory for those who worked so hard to create a lasting balanced document long on religious tolerance and short on religious bias.  And that this encourages social and economic inequities.  For example we do not teach our children to be competitive with the rest of the world in the sciences.  We are too busy arguing theology which is exactly the kind of inequity that the Constitution was supposed to prevent.  It affects both the social and economic equality of those who have this interest and skill.  

    We are not giving everyone an education that allows them to use their abilities and that is all one can abolish through democratic government realistically through democratic government the right to acheive their best even if they are not born as Bush and McCain were to the privileged classes.   The goal is that by  right and birth being elevated beyond the level of their basic intelligence should not be so easy and automatic.  

    Not an easy task and it will not get easier.  But we do need to return to the basic goals set forth in the Constitution.  Or we will have social and economic chaos compared to the newer emerging powers. Fall further behind in the sciences.  We seem to have drifted off from that basic premise of balanced powers, states rights and have become overly occuppied with the old Mather style injection of religious beliefs not common faith is whatever.  

  6. Democracy is a failure throughout the world. The economic viability is not there in democracy. Things are achieved at a very high cost and time.

    Todays successful nations are kingdoms and communist countries.

    Exceptions for both: Russia's break down was a sabotage. US democracy is surviving with stolen revenues from other countries.

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