
Is it possible to enter Churches/ Cathedrals in Rome wearing jeans and trainers?

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Is it possible to enter Churches/ Cathedrals in Rome wearing jeans and trainers?




  1. Yes, they just don't allow shorts/mini skirts and sleeveless tops/revealing clothes.

  2. of course you can!

    the important is that you are not naked or half naked=)

    don't worry!

  3. Jeans and trainers are okay. Jeans must be below knee length.

    Please be aware that there are monitors outside St. Peter's, which has a very strict dress code: no skirts above the knee, no shorts, no bare shoulders (i.e., tank tops or sleeveless blouses), and you must wear shoes. You will not be permitted inside the basilica unless you are dressed appropriately. Slacks and jeans, however, are permitted. If you are out sightseeing in shorts, miniskirts, tank tops, sleeveless blouses, etc., and wish to enter a church, you must be dressed appropriately. People who monitor visitors in churches have the right to refuse entrance if in their opinion the visitor is dressed inappropriate to enter. One way to get around this is to carry long pants and a shirt/blouse with sleeves in a bag or backpack so that when you wish to enter a church, you can slip these garments on over your inappropriate attire before you enter.

  4. Of course! As long as you are not naked or half naked you can wear what you like.


  5.'s possible!!!

  6. I agree with javber26.  It happened to me in 1980 when I visited Rome.

    That morning, when we were about to leave the hotel, I was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt that just had 2 thin straps instead of sleeves and sandals.  The bus driver made me change my shirt because we were going to visit St. Peter's Cathedral.  I held eveything up until I changed that shirt.  But, he said nothing about my shorts and sandals.  

    When we got to the church, they would not let me in because of the way I was dressed.  So, while the rest of my tour group went inside, I roamed around Vatican City.

  7. as long you didnt enter the area with only bikini on your back..

  8. Yes as long as whatever you're wearing is longer than knee-length and tops cover your shoulders you will be fine. Also done wear any rude or offensive t-shirts!

  9. Yes. I think they may balk at bikinis and speedos.

  10. some places are marked saying you need to be well dressed

    otheres aren't

    but taking into consideration that ITALY is a tourist attraction i've seen people  go in in shorts and a T-shirt

    just, as you will see on some signs, no bikinis

  11. yes....

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