
Is it possible to erase or remove bad grades?

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I was taking classes at a local college with a guy I was dating. I was less than half way through the courses and I found out the guy I was seeing was married. Never wanted to see his face again so I stopped going to my classes. Is it possible to get the "FW's" removed and just start off new. I am ready to go back but I want to start off new. Is it even possible to get these grades removed? They were just general ed courses.

I was unable to withdraw from the courses without getting a grade since it was after the drop deadline.

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  1. Thats impossible I'm afraid it would help if you retake/resit them though.

  2. Bummer, but you will have to retake the classes to get a better grade since you were unable to withdraw from them.  

  3. I'm so sorry for your horrible experience, and I can certainly understand why you wouldn't want to see him again. However, once that grade is entered in your record, it's there forever. It certainly is not insurmountable, though. While you'll always have to be reminded of this when your transcript is shown (which really isn't often), what you do from now on will also be shown, so let that be good and schools won't care at all what came before. Life happens to us all!

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