
Is it possible to extract essential oils from citrus fruits at home?

by Guest62517  |  earlier

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I don't have any equipment except pots and pans etc.




  1. essential oils come from fish and nuts..............not citrus fruits.

    and the answer is no!

  2. Citrus oils are cold pressed. Only rarely steam distilled. That has to do with heat damage and the chemistry of the oil. The essential oil is in the peels. You may be able to press the peels at home, that it pretty self explanatory. The tricky part will be separating the essential oil from the total fluid that you manage to 'press'. The oil will rise to the top if you let it rest. An interesting experiment, without the appropriate equipment and bulk of plant material, I don't know how much success you'll have.

  3. You'd need alot of fruits to do this. I'd suggest doing it using the simple process of evaporation.

    1. The oils are contained within the skin of the fruit, so first just cut the fruit in half and remove the inner fleshy part of the fruit.

    2. Cut the skins in small pieces - but not too small (1cm x 1cm).

    3. Get a medium sized saucepan and fill it with water half-way. Set it to boil.

    4. Once the water reaches boiling point, place the small pieces of skin inside and let it boil for 10-20 minutes. The heat causes the pores in the skin to open and release the oil.

    5. Remove skins from saucepan and let it simmer till all of the water has evaporated and your left with oil in the bottom of the pan.

    6. Congratulations - you've got essential oil.

    *GW - Be grateful someone even answered your question!

  4. Essential oils have no magical powers.  I have a friend who was a naturapath and a homeopath.  She used to think there was something metephysical about "essential oils".  Now she's seen the light and would tell you that the essential oils are just oils from whatever it is you are extracting them from.

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