
Is it possible to feel the baby move at 12 weeks?

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I think I've felt it move but Im not sure....I guess another question I have is how exactly does it feel when the baby moves?




  1. I believe it is. This is my second pregnancy and I started to feel occasional movements around 10 weeks and then proper tiny kicks at 14 weeks. And yeah it does feel a bit like flutterings, but not like a bunch of fast ones like a butterflies wings, like a few slow ones lol. Only way I can try to describe it

  2. 12 weeks is awfully early, especially if this will be your first.  Normally it's around 18-22 weeks for the first baby.  A lot of women say they feel "flutterings" but with me, they felt like little 1-2 second muscle spasms.  That's how I describe it to my family and friends.  But, everyone is different so there is no "exactly" about how a baby feels.

  3. It feels like butterflies in your belly like when your nervous.  I think you are at that stage where you are going to feel little movements.

  4. Every women will describe fetal movement differently. Some women say it's like bubbles other say it's like punches. I'm assuming it's your first pregnancy by your question, and yes it's possible to feel slight movement at 12 weeks (although rare in first pregnancies). In first pregnancies we aren't sure if we're feeling gas or baby moving, for women who have had babies, they know what to look for. Could be gas, or it could be fetal movement. At 12 weeks the movement would feel a lot like gas rolling in your tummy.  

  5. i had my son in you cannot feel the baby move at 12 weeks.when the baby moves it is amazing!!!you can feel it pushing your belly out with your hand and moving.just imagine.just imagine something pushing your belly out from the inside.

  6. Of course it is! And it has a lot to do with a few different things. 1) whether or not your placenta is anterior (in the front), as some people believe this can limit the amount of movement you'll feel up there. 2) how thick your abdominal and uterine walls are at that stage in your pregnancy. I'll tell you this: I went to the emergency room when I was 13 weeks pregnant with this one (I'm now 36 weeks), and told them I was not only sick with what I believed to be pneumonia, but that I hadn't felt my baby move in a couple days. They gave me a weird look and brought in an ultrasound machine. While we were all marveling over our little baby, the Dr said, "well no wonder you can feel the baby already, its only 2.8 cm from the top of your abdomen!"

    So if you're pretty thin, that could have a lot to do with it as well. To me, it feels like what you'd imagine the tiniest hands and feet feeling like if they were delicately thumping you from the inside. Like a fluttering sensation that makes you stop and touch your belly in awe.

    There are some other reasons you'd feel early movements, but those are the main two. (a quick third would be subsequent pregnancies, of course. You know, us pros -third time mommy here- wait for these things!lol) just enjoy it! It'll all be over too soon!

  7. Yes it is possible, and it feels different  to everyone, all I can say is how mine felt...Mine at 1st feel like something is plucking me from the inside, it doesn't hurt but that is the only way I can describe it....


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