
Is it possible to file for maintanance if I am married?

by  |  earlier

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My husband is a boiler maker & earns good money and works far from home.He gets paid ± R7000.00 a forth night. He pays rent for home-R2200.00 per month, creach-R900.00 and school transport - R200.00. In total he pays -R3200.00 every month for us.He send us R500.00 and expects us to survive on the.Food, nappies,ect must come from that R500.00 a forth night.I don't know if I am overreacting but I don't think its fare.

Yes, Iam working, but because he is working so far away I took a job which Is paying R2500.00 less than my previous job & now he is not playing his roll.

I pay, Medical Aid,Lights,Domestic worker & Debit orders for policies.

Will this cause us to drift apart bcause I really luv him but this is emotional abuse.




  1. Of course you can!  

  2. yes ofcourse you can file as per indian law you can have the maintanance in proportion of husband's earning

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