My husband is a boiler maker & earns good money and works far from home.He gets paid ± R7000.00 a forth night. He pays rent for home-R2200.00 per month, creach-R900.00 and school transport - R200.00. In total he pays -R3200.00 every month for us.He send us R500.00 and expects us to survive on the.Food, nappies,ect must come from that R500.00 a forth night.I don't know if I am overreacting but I don't think its fare.
Yes, Iam working, but because he is working so far away I took a job which Is paying R2500.00 less than my previous job & now he is not playing his roll.
I pay, Medical Aid,Lights,Domestic worker & Debit orders for policies.
Will this cause us to drift apart bcause I really luv him but this is emotional abuse.