
Is it possible to find a non-profit or low-cost group for Russian Adoptions?

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Is it possible to find a non-profit or low-cost group for Russian Adoptions?




  1. To complete a Russian adoption, you need to work with an agency that is accredited by the Russian government. One of the requirements to get the accreditation is that the agency must be non-profit. So, theoretically, all agencies doing Russian adoptions should be non-profit.

    Of course, all agencies are not created equal (and non-profit doesn't mean there isn't large amounts of money going through).

    You can find a list of accredited agencies on the US Embassy in Moscow's web site.

    Please research your agency very carefully -- are they ethical? What services do they provide for what cost (they're not all the same)? Where does their money go (Guidestar can help.)? What education/training is required for pre-adoptive parents? What post-placement training/services are available? What, if anything, do they do to support the children who don't end up being adopted?

  2. we have american children that need adopting. why not just get an american child. you live in america right.

  3. You should just go over and live in Russia for a few months so you truly know what the deal is as well as finding out about the programs they have. US agencies/sites are notorious for unethical practices just to make a buck. I would also recommend that you learn about as well as understand what comes along with removing a child from their motherland.  

    Checkout and read about it.

  4. There are organizations devoted to helping older Russian-born children to find homes in the US, pairing them with host families for a summer.

    I think it's called Bridge of Hope or something like that.

    I don't know anything about them personally. I can't vouch for their authenticity or anything like that, so please do your research carefully!

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