
Is it possible to find a person to travel with to Europe?

by Guest65694  |  earlier

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I plan on traveling to Europe next summer, and I have already begun to save for the trip and the expenses.. Problem is - I don't want to go alone. Most of my friends love the idea but are not able to save up for it and some just aren't into traveling. Regardless- I still want to go to Europe.. And I want to go with someone around my age (19), who is young, yet still responsible enough to save up or prepare for the trip.. Any suggestions? Please? ;)




  1. Try placing an add on  Ive come across all kinds of things on that website I love

  2. You should try EF college tours. You travel with other people and you have a tour guide, a few of  my friends have tried EF tours and they liked it.  I am even thinking about trying it. or

  3. I'm so glad you asked this!  I have the exact same problem.  I'm 19 too and my friends and I keep making plans to travel but the end up flaking out on me at the last minute!  Also none of them seem to be interested in going out of the country.  I've been trying to just meet a bunch of people through school.

  4. Is there a bulletin board where you can post an ad at school, local colleges? I know you'll find someone to go with you. I also found this website called check it out, I think it will help. You'll be surprised how many people are in your situation.

  5. try posting something on yahoo personals or craigs list

  6. i knew a guy who used to work at the game stop in the mall in my town.

    he and his friends were saving money to go to Europe especially the beaches in spain.....haven't seen him for a while though.

  7. Look at my 360 profile i fit your description :)

  8. I got to go to Eourope when I was 13 with a place called people to people. It was awsome! 19 days away from my parents. I got to see the stonehenge and stay with a british family. You need to only save your money though because all of the sights are scattered so it will cost alot of money to get around. You would need to save up to 3,000 dollars if you were going to stay up to 12-14 nights. I hope you have fun! Oh and the 3,000 is for each person.

  9. If you go to college, maybe try posting something on a bulletin board asking for anyone interested. and do an interview type thing with a couple people and see if you like them.  

  10. try

  11. In addition to the suggestions you have received so far, there are lots of sites dedicated to matching up people who want a travel companion including:

    and many others. Since these sites are dedicated to people who are looking for traveling companions, your chances of pairing up are increased.

    Just be sure to get to know the people you choose to travel with before you go. Many people travel independently when there's no one else that wants to or has the time or funds to go. There are trade offs either way; sometimes it's better to be on your own than being stuck with someone you're really not compatible with.

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