
Is it possible to find a......?

by Guest60933  |  earlier

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Sponsor for riding? All I want in the whole world is to go to the top and be the best. I lvoe riding and horses with all my heart and all I want to do is show. My family can't afford showing though, and I already work like 3 jobs, but I can't find anymore that will higher a 14yr old. I do anything and everything just to borad my horses, and we are probabaly going to sell one. But, I just I want it so bad, and I just don't know what to do, so is looking for a sponsor a good idea? Any input is greatly appreciated, and any encouragemnt, is also greatly appreciated, thanks so much!




  1. EVERY girl that rides dreams of being at the top at some point in time, and making showing her life.  But only a handful do it.  And you know how?  Not by talent but mostly by buying their way to the top and knowing the right people.  Even the Olympic riders don't have corporate sponsors.  Horse sports just aren't popular enough for that in the United States.

    Just focus on what you have, do the best with what you have, and be happy with that.

  2. Why do you NEED a horse? No one NEEDS a horse (well not anymore, if it were the 18th century maybe). Finding a sponsor for riding is very difficult, especially in North America, where a lot of people don't regard it as an actual sport.

    So, let me get this straight: you're 14, you work 3 jobs, you're home schooled, and you can't afford to show. My advice would be to sell your horses and take lessons at a local barn.

  3. I really don't know much about sponsers i actually haven't ever heard of sponsers for horseback riding but i don't know. I have the same dreams and hopes about horseback riding. I agree with the whole downsizing thing. Don't wait until later with realizing your dream cause if you just wait it might never happen. I hope that you go towards your dream and try hard. Don't give up, no matter if people say it's impossible!!!! I know that I won't even though my parents keep on telling me I won't achieve a future from horse back riding. !!! Hope u find a way:)

  4. good luck=] how many  horses do you have? i know were your coming from im 14 and im in love with horses=] but i just started showing=] i hope you do make your dreams and find a sponsour.just a suggusten i know you are selling one but i dont know if this helps, i think you should only keep one and focus on that one so you to can become one and un-stoppable. good luck to both of us=]

  5. Look in order to get a sponsor number one you don't wanna ask for too much money so you should ask and get more than one. Also you got to be good and show them that you're good because they'll want to make sure their money is going someplace good. And as a fourteen year old also you can be good I've only been competing for 3 years and riding for six you can acomplish a lot in alittle time so  go for it and good luck also some people too ask are local tack and feed shops and stuff with horses

  6. i have the same hopes and dreams, but unless you are amazing i doubt that you will get a large well known sponsor... maybe you could ask one of your employers to sponsor you... or maybe another local business would

  7. Why do you have several? Downsize and concentrate on the one you want to go the the top with.Going to school and working three jobs, I don't see how you have time for one. Sometimes the dreams have to be put on hold for a few yrs. I'm 55 and just realizing my dream. I hope your wait isn't near so long.. Never the less, it's still worth it.

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