
Is it possible to find a stable free place to sleep, with a postal address, as well as free food?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to be able to be at some kind of point where i can just have no need to race or earn, and can just develop myself at my own rate.

So I can just go explore the books of the local Library, for an unspecified amount of time.

I would rather not be required to go to school, or get a job.

I am sure i can do this if I look hard enough, and it will be comparatively harder to achieve, but this is what I want.




  1. Don't Worry, the water margins protect u especially from the traitor governments of Singapore. haha

  2. buy books from amazon if the local library doesn't cary that particular reading???

    The stable you are looking is 6 feet under. All about life is struggle, if you feel you can't compete or even feel trying, you might as well already dead by now.

    You even can haunt the local library for the unspecified time

    Like you said, if you are sure this is achievable, then start trying. When you have achieve all these, i bet you have done quite a struggle in life. I strongly advice you go on and try

  3. The Prison fit your requirements.

  4. do you want the postal address for your welfare checks?  I guess if you're gonna be a bum do it to the fullest.

  5. Only if you are disabled in some way or injured by other means, If your education means this much to you than seek to find a place within the social structure of the friends and they could provide you rest and if you are willing to work your mind than you will be cared for.

  6. I would love to tell you to stay with your parents but that may not be possible.  

    There is no real place that you can stay for free but you can get really close.  If you get a post office box you can have your mail, cost $30 per 6 months.  Most homeless shelters are free and offer a meal.  The downside is that they restrict your time and you have to be gone during the day.  Some churches offer a free meal and there are several soup kitchens that serve the homeless.

    I would also suggest that you work at least one day per week at a company like Labor Ready.  You get paid daily and the money you earn will help you eat if there are no other options.

    If you get a job at the library you may be able to have access to as many books as you want and you get paid for it.

  7. dun worry, government feeds u very well, i know....

  8. Why would you need a postal address then?

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