
Is it possible to forget events that happen in a night of drinking?

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Is it possible to forget events that happen in a night of drinking?




  1. Oh yes.

  2. Most definitely!

  3. Not if you've been drinking with a good drinker.Half pint.What a doll on top of me.Hic.

  4. well i went drinking but i cant remember sorry

  5. I would have to say yes. There's this person I know who would get so drunk that he would curse everybody out. The following morning, this person would have no recollection of what he did, at all. He would even go as far as to deny it altogether.

  6. Oh yes, then you need to get together with your friends the next day and hold a "postmortem" to piece all the bits back together!

  7. Yes. Its called "blacking out". It happens when you drink more than you can handle.

  8. Yes it is, if you drink enough you can lose days instead of hours. This happens to alcoholics often.  My daughter used to party her butt off and has blacked out and not known where she was or how she got there when she came to...

  9. absolutely yes. even when i have gone to bed and remembered doing so, a lot of the evenings events are just non is really quite scary.

  10. Yes, that's why its so important not to get to that level of intoxication, you can get hurt, or worse.

  11. Alcohol can distort your mind so much you forget what happen. That's why you always need to be careful about how much you drink.

  12. There is a chemical in alcohol that affects the brain and the more alcohol consumed, the more confused the brain becomes. You will become unaware of your actions and more likely to do things you wouldn't normally do. You could really hurt yourself and not feel it, because the brain can't receive signals from the nervous system.

    It is possible to completely forget things after the alcohol has left your system...and you have to rely on what people tell you after!


  13. babes,,of course its possible,,when you have to much to drink parts of the memory are killed off,,sometimes they may return later on sometimes not,,,dint drink to much in the first place,,,sometimes if we are at a party  etc,,i know that may be hard,,but its just not worth it,,,bad things could happen to you,,stay safe ok.xx

  14. Yep it sure does.

    Drinking  also damages and kills brain cells and just makes your brain goes mush after a while.

  15. I can't remember.

  16. Yes, but that indicates you are over indulging.

  17. The point is to learn, not to forget

  18. first timer? hahaha  

  19. Yes, it's called a "blackout."

  20. Yep.

  21. Yes - that's the main reason I gave up drinking.

  22. I can't remember.  

  23. yeah, i dont want to lecture you but, its best never to let yourself loose control,  

  24. Incredibly possible

  25. Very possible.

    A few years ago I went to bar in my neighborhood and had a bit too much to drink.

    I remember walking out of the bar.  The next thing I remember is my GF yelling at me and saying that my face was bleeding.  Somehow, I had fallen down, cut my face and broke a wisdom tooth.  However, I had no recollection about how it happened.  

  26. If you are saying that things happened you can't remember then yes. If you are asking if you can put out of your mind something that you did that you remember and want to forget then.....I wish but no.

  27. yes, I've never personally got that drunk but I have friends that do quite often

  28. very possible.

    drinking is bad news.

    im guessing you arent too old if ur on yahoo answers asking THAT question, you shouldn't be drinking.

  29. I'm sure that it is possible.

  30. Yes and no

    Yes: If you are drinking and forgetting things that may have happened then you could be suffering from some other things. Blackouts are one thing that could be going on. I am not a doctor but I do know some people that have suffered blackouts and In my presence. These people don't know what they are doing at the time they are doing it so to think that they will remember the next day, is to me, completely crazy.

    No: Sometimes people can't say whats on their mind. Getting drunk can be an exscuse for some people to vent and rant or just go buckwild physically and verbally without taking responsibility for their actions.

  31. absolutely . I was managing a bar inJersey for 6 years and I don't remember   a thing.

    On a serious note, yes. Definitely have had night sout where I can sort of remember a couple of things and then I'll be told about others that I will have NO recollection of

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