
Is it possible to gain weight when eating about 700 calories a day?

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I want to lose weight. I tried eating just an apple and some chicken a day, but I get so dizzy and cranky. So I eat a few carrots once in a while or a handleful of light popcorn or a plum, and then eating a mini bagel and some chicken for dinner. I think I'm not eating over like 700 or 800 calories, but I wanted to make sure this wouldn't be making me gain weight because my body will think I'm starving. I keep reading that. I know my body is really hungry because I can feel it, but a calorie caclulator said I should be eating like 1600 calories a day to lose weight. The thing is I want to lose more than just 1-2 pounds a week, and if I eat 1,200 calories, I think then my body will still be "starving" and it will still take forever to lose the weight. So what I wanted to do was push it under that so it kind of equals out by eating way under so that my body has no choice but to burn the fat off. Does that make sense, or will my body just adjust and still make me gain weight or at least not lose any?




  1. losing weight is more than just reducing calories. actually I found the best way is lots of exercise and 2k calories a day eating sensible.  the most I ever lost was 25 pounds in 2 weeks and I was eating 4k calories a day. but, I was also working 12 hours a day heavy construction work at the time is why the weight loss. so you will need to incorporate exercise into any diet plan

  2. eat about 1600 calories and get some excercise....

    weight loss is a simple equation

    less caloric intake + more 'movin around' = weight loss

    everything else is either making you anorexic or making some diet guru a lot of money....

  3. you'll lose weight but then you'll be in a vicious cycle. i did that, and it was h**l but i lost alot of weight and felt hott for about 2 months until i couldnt take it anymore and started eating normally again. then all the weight came back, plus more- because my body was overcompensating after being in starvation mode. the point is- it works for a quick diet (swim suit season etc.) but if you actually want to lose weight and keep it off youll have to do it by gradually eating less, and having a healthy exercise routine.  

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