
Is it possible to gather enough motivation to compensate for the lost chances?

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Is it possible to gather enough motivation to compensate for the lost chances?




  1. hypitheically i suppose one could gather enough motivation to compinsation for lost chances, however, for the motivation to compinsate for any lost chances luck its self would have to positively follow along with the chances taken becuase of accumulated motivation.

    in simpler terms lost chances increase ones motivation to take chances or do the best when they have a chance. this can prevent further lost chances, however, no lost chance is compensated for if takeing advantage of a new chance does not bear any net benefit.

    For example a man hardly dates because he is shy. yet everytime he misses the opertunity to find love he is further motivated to take a chance on a woman. for this reason he eventually would take a chance on a woman. now heres where it gets tricky. if the woman and him have a good successful relationship all lost chances are compensated for but if the relationship goes sour all motivation can be lost and no preceeding circumstance is compensated for.  

    Heres different type of example. a man hits his wife and she leaves him. this could be called his first chance. the failure of this relationship might motivate him to try harder next time but if the next one does not work out he may not be inclined to start another one.

    in short compensation for lost chances can only be found in success with chances taken but if there is no success there is no compensation. for this reason it is best to be sure you have a high likelyness of success before taking a chance or else all of your lost chances have there effect magnifed rather then compinsated for.

    also one might try to take chances if the failure produces little more then a lack of motivation because in this case the net benefit might compinsate for countless lost chances.

    for these reasons motivation is a weak payoff for lost chances simply becuase the chances one takes depend on their luck.

    i hope i havent been to abstract or vague. and i hope this helps.

  2. Yes.  You have to get down after each fall.  In life we lost so many opportunities becasue of lack of motivation and experience.  But there is no benefit for crying over spilled milk.  We have to move in the life to excel ourselve.  

  3. yes

    it is very much possible

  4. One looses chances; primarily and essantially; because of lack of knowledge, understanding and awareness in self of ALL THAT; which motivates and drives the self to perform those tasks; which empower and enable the self to work hard for achieving success and to finally achieve success.

    One may not gather motivation to compensate for lost chances; but can certainly; seek, know, gain and use knowledge, understanding and awareness of self in self of ALL THAT; for  regaining the lost strength and wisdom of self in self; to ensure that no more chances are lost by self; come what may.

    Motivation, compensation, chances etc only apparently seem to be important to self for achieving and gaining success; but more important than them is the strength and wisdom which man ignorently uses without knowledge, awareness and consciousness; to drive his self to work for gaining success; and the ability by which he gains them in his self as his power of performance and knowledge.

    We speak here of that strength and wisdom of self; which has the power and ability to motivate people; for driving themselves towards us and for giving chance to us; to help us to compensate ourselves; like they themselves do.

    This strength and wisdom can be gained by self only by working hard for; seeking, gaining and finding; and to not to yeild; instead of for; knowing, earning, possessing, and using and exhausting by self  only, and for giving away freely, fearlessly and faithfully as service and charity of self to help others also get a chance in their lifes.; for we get our chances likewise only; be it either of life; or of living life; or of becoming able; or of working hard; or of seeking and gaining a good partner, money, career, status, and poition of self for self in our respective lifes.. .  

  5. Yes, it is always possible to gather enough motivation to compensate for any lost chances because those chances are now past and we have to accept that we didn't take them and think about now. Most people i know have past regrets and missed opportunities that maybe they wish could of been handled differently at the time, however, without having enough motivation for the present, we would just give up trying and that is not good. Motivation comes from within and without and is similar in a way to hope and faith and as long as we have these, then we should have enough motivation to keep us going for now and the future...

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