
Is it possible to get Chow Yun Fat to offically endorse the Saigon Quang Binh hotel?

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Right now all they have is this guy:




  1. Darling, the sublime woman known as Wing would love to be involved in any way:

    She would be willing to do, like, 20 shows a night in the "Fresh Shiny Happy" lounge.

  2. What's Chow got that this guy doesn't?

  3. I'll put money into a better endorsee...just don't let him sing...please...

  4. The man can sing. In his off hours he carries and detonates C4 explosives for the other side, which other side that is.

  5. Isn't he Chinese?

    Why not just get Kim Jong Il?

  6. We have got to save up our Skitter and get Chow Yun Fat over here asap.  If we can't get him, maybe we can get Mrs. Livingston from the Courtship of Eddie's Father to do it.

    Ohhhhhh....hewwwo Mistah Eddie Fadder.

    I am DYING at the video.  I wonder how many time he say dong!??

  7. Punky, I think you've found the new Quang Binh Idol here. Chow Yun Fat ain't got sh*t on this old skool crooner. I just wish he'd turn down the echo a bit. A voice like that doesn't need any fancy, shmancy effects to moisten my nether regions. He'll draw crowds like you wouldn't believe. Lock him in with a contract so any future karaoke videos he releases are the sole property of the Saigon Quang Binh Hotel and any breach of contract will be punishable by beheading*.

  8. The hotel has stood for over 150 years without endorsement,  the light entertainment Robert provides is the envy of many.

    If I were you I would not get involved in local politics and carry on with your Peace Corpse training!

  9. I'm hoping for Angela Melini. She's Vietnamese, and she'll get more businessmen to the hotel.

    The only clean pics I could find were here:

  10. I am all about Angie!

    I am afraid that if we get more attention with a celebrity we are going to be overrun by boorish non-cool people. It's already happening.

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