
Is it possible to get LCPL out of Marines Boot Camp?

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Is it possible to attain LCPL if you got out of boot as a PFC and then referred two people to enlist on your 10 days boot leave? I've heard this was true but I want to make sure..




  1. That is true, my brother got to be lcpl, right out of boot. But this was in the 70's!

  2. Yes and you can also do it by recruiting some people before you go in and then being the honor graduate though this is rarer.

  3. yes, you can. you have to achieve honor grad. to do this you need too be platoon leader. and to do that, you have to have the drill instructor like you. to do that, you have to find what makes him happy. some like suck ups, so like straight forward hard working to the corps sort of guys. watch you DI for a few weeks to see what he responds well too. how he treats different types of people, then adapt yourself to that type. good luck.

  4. I would talk to a recruiter about things like that, but you really need to go to boot camp to learn how to work with people as a team.  People tend to want to be so individualistic they forget how to work like that especially in emergency and war time situations.

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