
Is it possible to get Mexican insurance (not tourist) for US plated car ?

by Guest58456  |  earlier

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I have a US plated car (calif plates) not currently registered in the US, Not currently insured in the US. I am in mexico on FM2. Car has been here for over 4 yrs with temp permit. Is it possible to get insurance in mexico? For tourist policy I have been told car must have current US registration and insurance, For mexican policy I have been told need to have mex plates. Anyone with US plates been able to get Mexican insurance (not tourist) for their currenlty unregistered un insured US vehicle in mexico? If so what is your insurance company. Thanks




  1. There are dozens or places with widely ranging prices.  However, I believe the rules are different with an FM2 than an FM#.  I have an FM3 and have no problem having my car with old us tag here and i have Mexican car ins.  See site below for my favorite Mexican car insurance.  Talk to them.  i think they would know all the ins and outs of this kind of problem.  Also, you could post a note on one or both of the chat places I put below...someone may have similar experience.

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