
Is it possible to get a migraine from driving?

by  |  earlier

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i was driving today for long period of time on and off throughout the day and realized i had a dull headache. it got worse and the sunlight actually starting to become a problem as my eyes became very light sensitive. my head was pounding so hard it actually got hard to see strait i just wanted to close my eyes. and got a tingling sensation around my face and head!!




  1. First of all yes it is possible... when you have been driving and then stopping your eyes would have to keep on adjusting to the different situations.  Sunlight causes drowziness.  This is common among many people who go on roadtrips.  

    Also if u have been drinking or something like soda or an energy drink scientists say its best not to drive for long periods of time that same day.

  2. Could be. Fortunately the cure is often cheap: Anacin, which is to say aspirin and caffeine. So take two aspirin and wash it down with coffee. Try it before a doc.

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