
Is it possible to get a working holiday visa for Australia if you have a criminal record? I'm 29?

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Is it possible to get a working holiday visa for Australia if you have a criminal record? I'm 29?




  1. no and if you do get in to the country you will be stopped at customs for quite some time , until they decide whether to let you in or not, i was watching a show a few months back where some guy came in to visit his girlfriend only to be stopped at customs fow quite a few hours

  2. it depends on what you did

  3. it is, but hire a lawyer. they make it heaps easier costs a bit more but at least when you get to australia you know you will not have to jump on the next plane back coz the lawyer handles it before you get here. but it depends on what you did and when you did it.

  4. you can but it depends on the circumstances

    dont forget the cut of age for a working holiday visa is 30

  5. Yes it's possible if your single sentence was for less than 12 months or if the total of two or more sentences was less than 2 years.

    Take care that you disclose everything. If you fail to disclose a conviction and it comes to light, you will be deported.

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