
Is it possible to get accepted to grad school..?

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if I have a grade history of 2 drops (one q and w but both means the same)..and I made 3 Fs and few D's. my earlier years in college. I did alot of improvements and made A's tthroughout now. This is my 5th year. I dont know if i could be able to get into a grad school. my gpa is a 3.2




  1. F's and D's huh?  Well, surely puts a spin on things!  The only way that you could get into grad school now would be if you can explain yourself well.  You know, did you get those grades early on in freshman year?  If so, were you sick a lot?  Were you on drugs and then you cleaned up your act?  What made you get those low grades?  How can they be assured that you this won't happen again?  

    Do you have professors and/or employers who are willing to go to bat for you by writing you excellent letters of recommendation?  Have you helped any professors with their academic research?  How did you suddenly become so interested in Business?  What are your strengths that you can provide to the graduate school and to the world of Business?

    All of those questions will need to be addressed and you'll need to have some darn good answers.  Then, maybe, just maybe you can pull it off.

  2. I would say, yes you will most likely be accepted with your current 3.2 GPA. They will understand the major change and all. If anything, you could be accepted in a conditional basis  

  3. If you are changing your major, that can be a problem.  Some business graduate schools require undergraduate business courses.  Meaning, they want busines majors.  However, you can still get in.  My friend is changing the major, too.  The graduate told him to go back to the undergraduate level and take the required basic business cores which added up to 10 courses.  Then, he can start enrolling in the courses.  You will need to do a lot of research because each business school's programs are different and because of the change in the major.  Good luck!

  4. Yes, the F's and D's and drops from your early years are not as important as your grades in the last two years of study and  the drastic improvement. Why? The last two years require more and better study skills, are more in depth and universities realize that students often have trouble adjusting and figuring out what they want at the beginning of universitiy. s***w ups are kind of expected. You'll obviously need letters of reccomendation and a great personal statement and other requirements for an application to graduate school. You may also want to include your GPA for the last two years or your major GPA in addition to your transcript because this, I'm sure, is much higher than a 3.2.

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