
Is it possible to get another countries visa through the other countries Embassy office?

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Is it possible to get another countries visa through the other countries Embassy office?




  1. Most Embassies refuse that the procedure is normally that you have to apply in your country of residence ... but sometimes they allow it but I know some countries are very difficult

  2. each country is responsible for issuing their own visas , sometimes when there is no Embassy or consulate for a country , there will be a commission representing the country , that will be able to give you a visa , that is under the country's authorization.

  3. You can get the visa for a country at their own embassy office.  So if you want a visa for America you go to the American embassy.

  4. Deja vu....

    Each country is responsible for issuing visas to its own country, unless, as is very rarely the case, there is an established diplomatic relationship between countries whereby one country acts on behalf of another country.

  5. yes it is possible and i can give you an example here in morocco if you u want to get the visa for Australia you have to travel to K.S.A ( Saudi Arabia) or to Egypt . and so on...

    i wish i helped with my information

  6. Generally you would have to apply at the nations embassy or Charge de Affair in your country. This can also be done over the internet website for some countries foreign affairs dept.

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