
Is it possible to get broadband if you have talk talk landline?

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once you join talk talk landline can you get talk talk broadband after that even if you have cancelled your BT?




  1. There isnt actually a simple yes / no answer to this, it depends on what you are connected to at your exchange.

    Type your phone number into this to find out what exchange you are on

    Then read this

    I really wouldnt advise going with TalkTalk for broadband or the phone for that matter. Use the comparison tool to help you decide. Set yourself a budget and work out how much you are likely to download.

  2. Yes you can, not really a problem. Call talk-talk and they can migrate your broadband onto their equipment. Be warned their equipment is not very reliable and their fault reception leaves a lot to be desired. They however are cheaper than most for both and you get what you pay for, pay peanuts get monkeys! They pay BT to rent their line from the exchange to your house, so if your broadband was good with BT it may not be as good with talk-talk. Go on line to a forum about broadband and see who is good or not. Good luck.

  3. Yeah its possible, I have talk talk land line and talk talk broadband!!

  4. I have talk talk landline and AOL broadband.  We have to pay BT for our line rental but talk talk sort this out when we pay our bill.  Talk Talk do not own the phone lines, they still use BT's. Hope that makes sense. We could get free broadband with talk talk but it's slow and keeps going down, was investigated on watchdog earlier on this year.  

  5. Good answer from Leeds lad (given the thumbs up because I reckon its best answer). Try this site for broadband and who's best/cheapest

    There are links for speed tests on your line comparison sites etc

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