
Is it possible to get edicted to coke????

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is it possible to get edicted to coke????




  1. I don't know what edicted means, but you can get addicted to it. It's just like coffee. You get addicted to the caffeine (assuming you meant the drink because of course you can get addicted to cocaine)

  2. Yerp, just like it is possible to become addicted to anything.

    It just depends upon how much you have of it & have 'addictive' your personality is.

  3. its possible to get addicted to any kind of pop/soda, sugar and caffeine are both addictive.

  4. Dont be rididulous. Noone can get addicted to c**k.

  5. Evicted...maybe????

    IF you meant addicted...

    I have the story of a couple who came home from a vacation where they always had an iced Coke at 4 PM every afternoon.  when they got home they HAD to have their drink at 4 PM or they were fidgety.  Go figure.  

    So, yes.  


  6. The addiction is generally from caffeine BUT the sweetener in the diet stuff, aspartame, is very addictive.

    Aspartame IS toxic and should be avoided.

    Aspartame makes you fatter! Have you noticed how in the past 15 years, the number of obese women has risen? But they think it is OK because they're on the 'diet croak'.

  7. Addicted, an edict is something completely different. Yes, unless it's caffeine free.

  8. Yes, I think so because you could either crave or be addicted to the caffeine or sugar. I think people who are addicted develop a light headache, then if they have a glass of coke it goes away.

  9. People actually get addicted to the caffeine in their drinks. If people are addicted to caffeine and they only drink one type of caffeinated drink then their body associates the caffeine with that drink and makes cravings for it.

  10. Yes.  Coke (and other colas), coffee, tea, even chocolate bars and hot chocolate all contain caffeine.  It is the caffeine that one becomes addicted to, not the drink or food.  People have even gone through caffeine withdrawal.

  11. Yes...Theres just something about it that draws you back again. Best to stay away from it...!

  12. you can get addicted to the caffiene in it.

  13. very possible indeed cuz it has caffeine in it

  14. yes i dont drink tea or coffee or water just coke and tried to come off it but couldn't as the side effects were bad

  15. The answer to your question as written is, no.

  16. lol coke as in coca cola, or the drug?

    You can get addicted to both yes, my friend is addicted to pepsi max (i know that isn't coke) and it's the only thing she will drink!! She will drink water at a push but she dosen't even drink 3 litres of water a week!

  17. Yes it has caffiene in it

  18. i used to be addicted to diet coke, i used to drink 2/3 75cl bottle during the day and a litre at nite (im horrified just saying it).

    if i didnt have it i had a horrendous headache and i used to take it abroad with me bcoz it tastes different there.

    how awfull.

    Id been pregnant about a week and already suffering morning sickness when i went off it. i took one look at my bottle and thought i cant drink that, chucked it in the bin and never touched it since that was 4 years ago and the thought of it still makes me sick.

    i lost tons of wight too, not just babyweight.

    if you can possibly pry yourself off it do.

    but trust me i know its hard.

  19. yeah especially if you can afford to snort it every day, you need help man

  20. you can because it has caffeine in it...which people can get addicted to...i know someone who is addicted to diet coke...

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