
Is it possible to get good marks if you don't put the work in.Can teachers tell?

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I can't get motivated




  1. Depends on alot of matters.


    memory retention



  2. I find it really hard to sit down and learn things myself and never revise unless its for 15 minutes the day before an exam, but i still manage decent results, at GCSE i got 4 A's 4 B's and 2 C's which isn't brilliant but still decent, and i wasn't in the best state of mind and basically thought " I don't care if i fail or not." And at A level i haven't revised again much, and in my January modules i got full marks in Psychology and A's in Maths and Sociology, and a D in chemistry.

    Some teachers can tell but most of mine, if you pretend you put the effort in at the beginning they believe you put it in all year long.

  3. with superior intellect and the natural tenacity of the Brit it should be a snap!

  4. Unfortunately, there is a link between effort and the resultant grade. Its a shame because its becoming more about effort and less about thinking on your feet. The playing field has been levelled between the truly gifted and the ones who simply try hard.

    You will be motivated only by what captures your imagination. I found very little interest in my A Levels, but managed to blag most of it. It also depends on whether your subjects allow for creative thinking - humanities do a lot more than the sciences, for example.

    A teacher will generally know whether you've learnt something or not.

  5. Depends on your level of intellect.  I rarely read any assignments, mostly either skimmed through them or read the "Cliff Notes".  I scored consistently at the top, and graduated 9th in my class.

  6. in math i rarely if never did the homework and just tried to read the chapter or skim the night before. the day before the exam i did the same but with the textbook. ended up with an 84.

    i only work if i like the teacher.

  7. it is defintely possible, but if your grade is on the line you r in trouble. teachers defintely tell if you work hard and if you are on the bubble, no mercy

  8. if you dont put the work in to your studies by revising how you going to know the answers to all the questions and get good grades

  9. Of course we can tell!!  Do you think teachers are stupid or something. Unless you are blessed with either a very high level of intelligence or a photographic memory (and there are such people around) then poor work equals poor results. Mind you, I must admit that nowadays many average students manage to get very high GCSE grades but the reason for that is, quite simply, the exams are much easier than they have ever been and even low percentage marks can get an A Grade. And please don't try to tell a teacher with 40+ years experience that this is not so. Believe me - it is.

  10. Hi.

    Of course there are tricks and methods of getting good marks, even without putting the work in. But sadly, yes, a teacher can tell if your slacking. When you start putting one or wto word answers for 1 mark questions on science papers that, okay, get you the mark, but show no background or other knowledge, your teacher notices.

    Since you know you're not putting the work, it is easy to rectify. If revising for tests is your problem (you just can't make yourself put in the time) then here are a few of my best tips:

    -Eat while you're revising: maybe there's a particular fruit or food that you love (preferably healthy) and eat that while you're revising. For me it's pineapple, and the main reason why i can revise on weekends...i don't get any pineapple otherwise!

    -Posters: make bright and colourful posters with keys facts on (such as formulas and facts) and stick them around the house. But don't stick them randomly around, put them in places where you will actually read them and not just see them; like above the computer so you can read them while a page is loading, or on the bathroom door.

    -Learning by listening: record yourself sayiong the things you need to remember (like anwsers if you are taking a language, or key facts on a particular topic for science) and replay them to yourself either lying in bed for 15 minutes every night, or when you are on the computer -basically whenever suits you- on your iPod, mp3 player or computer. To make it more interesting quietly back you speaking with upbeat and fast-paced music to make it more interesting...try not to use songs with too many words or you won't be able to understand yourself. If you want to do this, i recommend that you download Audacity: it's a free sound recording software that enables you to record multiple tracks and put them together. Search 'audactity' to find it.

    -Short but often: i know everybody always says it but really it works. Revise for 20 mins/half and hour and then do something you find relaxing or not very hard on the brain for the same period of time you revised for -like watching TV. Research has also shown that is you do a vigorous activty like running or other forms of exercise, during the break that your brain can remember up to double the information that you remaining fairly in-active for long periods of time

    If however it's homework you're talking about then the marks and levels you get when you don't put the work in should be enough to motivate you. Teachers can tell, and you don't need to spend the rest of term trying desperately to catch your teacher's eye and see the disappointment in their face. If you put in the effort you will reap the rewards.

    So my advice is, get motivated, get working, and get the rewards.

    Hope this helps and good luck!

  11. Its easy to spot work that lacks thought and research.

    Its not about how many words you write, but what those words are, how much you have thought about them and how you show your understanding of the subject.

  12. You're the same as me tbh =(

    I'm not revising biology, $~#! it if i fail XD


  13. It is possible, they cannot always tell....but you will only be cheating yourself! *boot up the bottom* Get Motivated! :)

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