
Is it possible to get home schooled by someone else than your parents?

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Okay so I am a ballet dancer and to train more intensely my teacher wants me to get home schooled by my parents. problem is both work and both love/don't want to quit their jobs. Is it possible that I get home schooled by someone like a teacher that comes to my house to briefly teach me each day without it taking too long (so i can go train.)... if you get what i mean.. THANKS!!!




  1. I don't believe so, you can do a Charter school tough, I know of a few where I live, where you only go 4 days a week, and not 5.

  2. u can get home schooled on the computer!

  3. If you use an online charter, you do not need a parent. They will provide teacher assistance.

    Many online charter schools are popping up all over. Many of them are now using k12 products. k12 schoolsare good for many reasons. Each student is given a placement test and then given individualized curriculum based on his or her individual needs. With the help of online charter schools today, homeschooling can be much easier than it used to be. They provide you with everything you need, a computer, a printer, books, supplies, and teachers that you can both email and call for help and assistance. This is free and there are no charges. Online schools are definitely becoming a way of the future for the children in generations to come.

    Going to an online school is no different than going to a traditional public school or a private school. They graduate with a real diploma the same as any school. My son graduated from an online charter school and now attends a private university (University Of Dayton) with scholarships. They will also help you with making sure that all state required tests are done yearly and proficiencies are completed for graduation.

  4. Their are tutors that can come to your house but they do cost a lot of money where as your parents are free :) but if that ok with your parents then ask them to get you a tutor

  5. You could go for a tutor ($$), online computer classes or yourself.

    I was homeschooled all of my life and my mother played only a minor part in it.  She ordered all the textbooks while I set up a schedule for myself and followed it.  Of course, if you do homeschool yourself, most states/cover schools require documentation of your schooling to prove that you actually did it, which is a lot of work.  It's less expensive than tutors, more meaningful than online classes (you don't get as much out of online classes and they're expensive most of the time) and your parents get to keep doing what they love.

  6. For sure. That's what I did. My parents paid someone to teach me (and a friend). She taught us everything from math, history, english.. just all the basic stuff. I wanted to be homeschooled, but my parents aren't teachers  so this is how we went about doing it. It can get pretty spendy though, so your parents obviously have to be willing to pay the tutor.  

  7. Cami, get connected with a Quebec homeschooling group. Search on the web and in Yahoo Groups. They will be able to tell you how it can work and maybe connect you with a family willing to oversee your homeschooling. (Your parents would have to pay, of course.)

    You could also try talking to your school about some form of an at-home or independent study program. In some places, there are alternatives set up where kids come in once or twice a week and for tests, but do their work at home.

  8. You could get a private tutor or like my neighbors' they have a group of like 11 kids that aren't theirs that they homeschool.  I also have a friend who has a christian based program that teaches her on videos and stuff.

  9. You could, but do you have the money to pay someone?  Are you willing to sacrifice a diploma for a GED?  

  10. Oh yea, you can do that. I know that what celebrities do.

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