
Is it possible to get out of jury duty if u've already been picked as a juror?

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got picked to serve, but i'm a full time student, and if serving, i'll miss alot of class, including tests. only allowed to miss a certain amount of hours of school, and if serve, i'm out of luck. it would be like, throwing money away, and i cna't afford to do that, especially when u don't get aid. so if any one has any advice(esp. ny) would be nice.




  1. getting a letter doesn't mean you've been picked.

    only that you're a candidate.

    when asked, you might explain that you're a student, and if you miss too many classes you'll have to do the whole semester over.

    that being the case, if you do get picked, it's likely that you'll blame it on the defendant -- if it weren't for him/her, you'd not have to be here.  and you really like to get even.

    if you really have been picked, and it looks like a long case, you might ask to talk to the judge.  then explain that, given the circumstances, your attention is more likely to be focused on getting cheated out of the semester, than on the case at hand.  maybe you might ask the bailiff before the judge comes in.

  2. You should have brought that up before you were chosen.  Your school cannot penalize you for serving, and they have to give you the opportunity to take your tests, or something.  Once you've been picked as a juror, your out of luck.  If you don't show up, they will issue a warrant for your arrest.

  3. Its simple when your being interviewed all you do is say that you heard about the trial from a friend and you think that their client deserves to die.  Then they will throw you out easy.

  4. I don't know about in NY, but in Indiana we did get paid for Jury duty.  And our work/school had to excuse it.  Heck my job even paid me as if I was at work everyday.  Plus, the case was kinda interesting and a great learning experience.  DO NOT skip it!  They do issue warrants for people who do not show up for jury duty.

  5. to get out of your civic duty: medical excuse, you cannot be objective to the case due to  your acquaintance with the defendant (s) of the case:example you are a relative.

  6. Duh just skip it...Its not like your going to get in to trouble or anything....But its kinda cool depending on what kind of case your dealin with...So you mite wanna think be4 you skip this

  7. Jury duty  comes  up  once   a   year


    New York's jury duty guide.  Has phone number for more information on the bottom of the page.

  9. just show up drunk or fall of sleep in court so they disqualify you.

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