
Is it possible to get people in trouble who have been posting a lot here on topics unrelated to volleyball?

by  |  earlier

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Because I kind of want to.




  1. yeah, who do those b******s think they are?

  2. I don't understand why so many people in volleyball section post unrelated question. No wonder there are war all over the world. They just don't like living in a peace world and they don't like rules. When they want peace they want others to follow their rules. But when others want peace they don't want to follow the other people's rules. Well hope everything won't turn out to be a mess.

  3. i totally agree with you. this prom thing is total bs

  4. yes if you read the community guidelines it says not to so just go to that question and hit report abuse then explain why

  5. Maybe you should think of more productive things to do with your apparently ample free time.  Why not simply ignore it?

  6. oh hush

  7. Yah you definately can.. do it up because they're really starting to annoy me! People come here for real advice and real answers to specific volleyball questions.. and it's about time they get that, and not get taken over by proms and parties or whatever.. they need to grow a brain!

  8. yea but y would u want to

  9. maybe but why would you? thats just low and only snitches do that

  10. yea no need to get mad.

    They just look stupid when they post stupid questions that are non-related. Just ignore it though. No big deal!!



    Ok so i just went down the volleyball list, and yea that is annoying...there are like over 10 "july party" questions. I thought you were thinking like just 1 or 2 people from the past weeks lol. Sorry about that.

  11. It is actually against Community Guidelines.  Here is a copy of the guideline regarding posting in the wrong category.  

    Categorize correctly.

    Categorize your question correctly. Placing your question in the right category ensures that it is seen by people who can give you better information and more accurate answers. Yahoo! Answers is available in many countries and languages, so find the right one for your location or language.

    And a Q&A from the FAQs of the Community Guidelines.

    Is it a violation to put my question in the wrong category?

    Sometimes it’s hard to find the perfect category for your question. We know that mistakes sometimes happen and miscategorization of a question is not automatically considered a violation. However, repeatedly posting questions in the wrong category could result in a violation of the Community Guidelines.

    There is a person or people that post spam in the volleyball category all the time.  One person posts the work at home mom question and "another" person posts several web sites minutes later.  The person asking the question and the "different" person answering the question always join on the same day and post in many categories.  

    People really try to make the volleyball category great.  There are many great questions and many great answers.  Please keep up the good work.

  12. Me too!! I'm with ya, and I'll back you buddy.

    This place is for answers, not for silly fake 'proms & parties'.  People who want to chat or role play should just go back to neopets for pete's sake.

  13. Yes - flooding a specific topic with off topic posts is against the community guidelines, as far as I can read them. Hit report, mention the flood of off topic posts, and we can get back to volleyball questions in here...

  14. chill dude...this is the P&S prom after party. we should be out of here by tomorrow but please join us for our 4th of july party :D

  15. i hope so because there's all this '4th of july' party stuff..

  16. dont think so...and the sooner they can bring it the better


  18. Maybe. Next party is July 4 - they are invading Basketball then.

  19. No. It's not against any of the rules. So relax. Let them do what they want and just look for questions with "volleyball" or volleyball-related terms in the title. Use common sense. Don't click on questions that say "i need a date for the 4th of july party?" It can be frustrating but it doesn't matter- if you want to see the things you can report abuse for  you can look at the Community Guidlines, etc. You can probably contact yahoo too to complain- but I'm sure you're not the first. There isn't really away to stop them. I've noticed at the bottom of the Answers pages, in fine print, it says "Help us improve Yahoo! Answers. Tell us what you think." with a link. You can probably request a filter. But honestly, its not a big deal. And your topic technically isn't related to volleyball either ;)

  20. Possibly...but why would you?

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