
Is it possible to get pregnant hours before you are about to start your period?

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It was the exact day that I was supposed to start my period and I had begun cramping and spotting like normal. I had s*x in the middle of the night and my period never came. Is it possible that I am pregnant? Or does sperm has some kind of chemical reaction with your body that can change your cycle? I got 2 negative HPT but I was thinking that it may be too early to detect.




  1. It's a possibility that you got pregnant, though a little unlikely, it's still not unheard of.  If you did get pregnant that night, you would still need to wait a week at least to test, because the egg still needs time to implant and start getting your hormone levels up to a point where it's detectable.  Good luck!

  2. before during and after.  That is why everyone says to use birth control.

  3. Why in the name of the lord are you having s*x? Close you legs and pick up a book instead.  

  4. It cannot change your cycle but it can slow things down, you should start them in no time, it sort of puts things on a go slow

  5. Sperm cannot and will not change your cycle. Yes, it IS possible for you to become pregnant at that time, just as it is possible to become pregnant at any point during your cycle. Just wait and test.

  6. You can not get pregnant hours before your period,you have to ovulate first and you don't ovulate 2 hrs before a period.So the answer would be no you wouldnt be pregnant.A healthy sperm can stay inside a womans body for 4-5 days.

  7. It's possible, but highly unlikely.  It's probably just delayed due to stress.  No, sperm does not have some sort of chemical reaction to make it late.  However you could have been pregnant before that.  s*x usually makes my period start sooner if it's almost that time.  

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