
Is it possible to get pregnant if my hymen isn't completely broken?

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A few weeks ago, I lost my virginity. I'm 18 years old, turning 19 this sunday (July 27)

We had s*x twice.

The second time we had s*x, he didn't have a condom.

Being as I was new to the whole thing, the pain was unbearable so we stopped.

My hymen wasn't completely broken.

We had s*x AGAIN the following week & again, no condom involved.

Is it possible for me to get pregnant although my hymen wasn't completely broken?

I also have irregular periods so if I am, I wouldn't be able to tell if I am by a missed period or not.

If it helps, lately, I'm feelings very light-headed. Tons of cramps, especially on my right side. & I'm always randomly nauseous. (early signs of morning sickness?)

Aside from getting tested - what am I to do?




  1. How do you know your hymen wasn't broke?  You don't have to have s*x for it to break so it may have already been broke long before you had s*x.  The only thing you can do is wait and get tested.  If you have s*x you have a chance of pregnancy.

  2. You can get pregnant regardless of whether or not your hymen was broken. And you can get pregnant when you lose your virginity--- i did. If you only had s*x a few weeks ago (3 weeks?) you wouldn't be feeling any of the signs of pregnancy yet, but you can still be pregnant. Definately do take a test though. You might want to try to get on a birth control pill as well... it will regulate your irregular periods. I have irregular periods as well. Good luck!

  3. How do you know your hymen wasn't completely broken?  You are going to have to wait until you think you are due for your period and then take a test.  Yes it's possible to get pregnant if your hymen wasn't completely broke, anytime you have unprotected s*x you can get pregnant.

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Congratulations for waiting so long to lose your virginity (most young women do not wait that long) Even if your hymen was not broken, you could still get pregnant. Sperm that have a wet way into your v****a don't care if there is a hymen there or not... You very well could be preggers, but if you have irregular periods due to irregular ovulation then it is not likely. your best bet is to get yourself checked out in case the symptoms you are experiencing are from something more serious. Good luck to you! I hope this helps. O, and btw- ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! Not only do they help protect against unwanted pregnancy but also STD's.

  5. The only way to know if your hymen was broken or not would be to go and get a physical exam by a doctor.  There is always a chance of pregnancy with unprotected s*x, even with protected s*x.

  6. Yes, you can still get pregnant.  Aside from getting tested, act like you are pregnant.  Quit drinking smoking ect until you know forsure.

  7. Happy birthday!!! And go get checked out. It could be something more serious.

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