
Is it possible to get seat belt bruises without actually being in a car accident?

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Has anyone ever gotten seatbelt bruises on their chest for any other reason besides actually being in an accident? Like just locking the brakes up or something? My Stepson, who is 3 yrs old, came home from a "trip" with his mother with seatbelt bruises on his upper chest by his left shoulder, but she swears there was no accident. Everybody KNOWS these bruises were seatbelt bruises, and she has still never given an explanation for them. They were 2 straight lines, perfectly parallel, and were the exact width apart of an average seatbelt. I have had the exact same bruises before only once, when I was in an accident. Is there any other way he could have gotten these bruises, like just the seatbelt locking up?




  1. Nothing too worry about some people bruise very easy.

  2. if she slammed the breaks on hard enough, it would give him bruises.  Some kids bruise really easily.  But, it would've had to be a really hard stop.

  3. A three year old should have been in a child safety seat. Also kids bruise more easily than adults. Either she slammed on the brakes for some reason or she's lying.

    Ask the kid.

  4. Is the child taking any medication that could contribute to the bruising? Just a thought... But I think it is technically possible even without meds. Maybe the restraints in the child seat his mom used should be tightened.

  5. You would have to really slam on the brakes for this to happen.  When I was younger I locked up the brakes on a truck ( on a dirt road ) to see if the seatbelt would really lock up.  I did not get marks, but the belts did lock up.

    I would assume that he was in a vehicle that crashed, locked up it's brakes and slid, or was physically forced into too tight of a seatbelt.

    Ask him calmly sometime how he got the marks on his chest, when he was away on a trip with his Mother.  He will probably tell you.  Or he might tell you that he isn't supposed to tell you.

  6. it all depends on skin sensitivity. some people are so sensitive that if you were to grab there arm they will bruise. all it is, is you bursting blood vessels. its not a bad thing i just wouldn't encourage it

  7. What happened or did not happen is up to the kids mother and father to deal with, it has nothing to do with you. Sounds like YOU are trying to make an issue out of this to me.

  8. Certainly it is possible.    Very heavy braking, such as during an emergency stop, could easily result in bruises from a seat belt.

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