
Is it possible to get tornadoes in southeast PA?

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i live like an hour outside of philly and we had a tornado watch the other day.. was wondering if it would actually be possible for them to form here? its really hilly and there are tons of buildings and little woods.




  1. Yes it's possible.    The flat ground in tornado alley in the Midwest is more conducive to tornado formation but they can form anywhere where air masses of different temperatures collide.

  2. yes i live in south central PA and we had 3 tornado watches so far already and it is rare ehre but it could very well hit for more on todays PA severe storm outlook go to and go to the weatherchat

  3. Yes, it is entirely possible, hence why your area was under a tornado watch.  Tornadoes are not as common in SE PA as out in the Great Plains, but that has more to do with the fact that the ingredients needed to form tornadoes are not present in the atmosphere as frequently as the plains than the terrain and tree cover.  Hills, trees, and buildings may have some impact on the overall severity of the tornado, but they do not prevent them altogether.  Bottom line is that if a tornado watch is issued in your area, it is because the ingredients in the atmosphere are present for producing tornados, and you should not assume that the presence of trees, hills, and buildings makes your area immune.

  4. they probably do occur in some rare severe weather occasions in your area

  5. They can hit anywhere if the conditions are just right.  Scary stuff!

  6. it is possible for a tornado to produce anywhere.

  7. yes there have been some.

  8. Remember GOD can do anything.  With God a flood is possible in the desert.

  9. Yes, because recentley in Western Australia we had a mini tornado, it had a path that can be clearly seen when in the sky, roofs where lifted off, trees down.

    So no where is safe

  10. Yes, no place is off limits..........

  11. It is possible, but very unlikely.

  12. Hey we have had a few in California and its really not condusive to have them here either but if the conditions are right it can happen anywhere.

    "There are areas which people believe to be protected from tornadoes, whether by a major river, a hill or mountain, or even protected by "spirits". Tornadoes have been known to cross major rivers, climb mountains,and affect valleys. As a general rule, no area is "safe" from tornadoes, though some areas are more susceptible than others." - wiki

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