
Is it possible to get your back dimples pierced?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I am pretty sure that if it's your body, you can get anywhere on your body peirced. But, it sounds like that would be pretty painful.

    Look it up on Google. Don't do anything you will regret...Good luck!

  2. You can pretty much pierce anything skin-related on your body.  Don't get a surface piercing, those migrate out so easily and are a pain and a half to take care of.  Look into microdermals, seriously, you won't regret it.

  3. Yep you can. My girlfriend has hers done and it actually is pretty cute.

  4. why would you want to do that?

    leave them the way they are!;...

  5. Yeah, it is possible. I would recommend getting it done by a professional. Call around at your local piercing/tattoo parlors.

  6. yes.

  7. why would you even care about that?

  8. omg idk sounds kool go to this website maybe something about it will show up

  9. EEEWWWWWWW!!!! thats nasty!

  10. it should be possible. don't see why it wouldn't be.

    however, instead of getting pierced with a bar or ring, it would probably be a better idea to get microdearmal piercings done instead.

    go in and talk to some piercers in your area if its something that you'd like to get done.

  11. You can really pierce anywhere that has extra skin, but I wouldn't... There's no way it would heal nicely, with your pants rubbing on it, and think of how often things would get caught on them... Just doesn't sound like a good idea.

    But I'm glad to know someone else calls them back dimples :)  

  12. Gross!!!

    The dimples are cute, leave them alone!!

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