I really appreciate everyone's answers, I do love this child, my partner also loves this child, as it is my first time I didn;t realize that I was pregnant until now.. this is the reason why i totally freaked out. I will be thinking about this situation hard, I really don't want to give my child up for adoption, but the baby is due at such a time that it is so hard for me to sort things out for myself as well as the baby, all my friends are young, some of them are already parents, I am old enough to have the child but because the pregnancy thing came as a surprise this week, it left me in a shocking state where my brain just doesn't seem to work at the moment and my partner is not earning as much to support me & the child, nor am I. I have no one to turn to right now, that is why I decided to ask people online, to get some support, at least a bit of mental support.