
Is it possible to give birth to a seal?

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my mum told me it was possible




  1. no, its not possible

  2. You need to find a suitable seal to mate with you , and yes it is possible. But only a certain kind of seal....

  3. I'm thinking not..

  4. no its scientificaly impossible for a human and seal to produce offspring

    heres why

    the DNA of a human is different from that of a seal therefore a zygote could not form from a seal sperm cell and a human egg cell

                                          in simple terms

    its like trying to combine a square and circle to get a ...sqircle it just doesnt work they are 2 different things

  5. you want to have a baby seal coming out your uterus???

    i guess u could, but you have to find a seal (male) to u know,,, make love with u

    wait, ask kingchief what that 'certain kind of seal' is

    no, it was BIGCHIEF XD

  6. Certainly, if you happen to be a female seal. If you're asking if a HUMAN can give birth to a seal, absolutely not. If a seal embryo was implanted in a human womb, it would not survive, and you certainly could not produce a human-seal hybrid by getting it on with a seal. In order for two different species to breed with each other, they must be closely related - usually within the same genus, and at least within the same family. For example, you can breed a male donkey and female horse to produce a mule (or a male horse and female donkey to produce a hinny) - donkeys and horses both belong to the genus Equus and the family Equidae. Even then, the offspring are usually sterile due to the parent species having different numbers of chromosomes. Humans and seals are far too different to be able to produce offspring together.

  7. Did your mum stop taking her meds or what?

  8. Yes!  Mother seals do it every day.

    If (and I really hope this is an IF) you meant to ask whether a HUMAN give birth to a SEAL, than the answer is NO.  Unequivocally, absolutely, NO.

  9. NO, It has to do DNA, natures law. If so ...I'm sure there would be a lot of farmers with illigitamate sheep...(Check out the chicken sketches from 'Kids in the Hall"...)

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