
Is it possible to give your baby up for adoption even if you have had him for 2 months?

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I was going to place my son up for adoption but i couldn't after I gave birth to him. Now I feel like keeping him was a mistake, he has no family except for myself, I can't support him at all and I need to finish school. I feel like he would be much better off with a family who can give him everything he deserves.




  1. I am a rare voice on here.  I am adopted & I have adopted.  Do know that adoption is a life time decision.  Yes,  you can still make an adoption plan for your child.  My life was not ruined by adoption.  I have a great & loving family & while I don't know my biological family, I know they did what they thought was best for me.  I wouldn't change a thing about my upbringing!  Now a days, open adoption really answers a lot of the issues old-fashioned closed adoptions caused.  It is not easy to place a baby, but I have met lots of women that do not regret it it.  (I know some do, but they seem to only be found on the internet) If you believe it is the path you need to follow, I suggest using an adoption agency, that way you have more control over whrere & to whom you baby goes.  We have a wonderful relationship with both of our daughters birthmothers!  Good luck, you have some big decisions ahead!

  2. It is possible or you could turn over guardianship to someone. If you have any questions feel free to email

  3. hi, i would love to talk with you about adopting your baby. i cannot have babies and that had been my only dream. i would love him more than life its self and give him a happy wonderful life and would try to help you as much as i could please contact me asap at so you can get to know me a little better thanks and good luck

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