
Is it possible to go from Kathmandu to Lhasa by foot?

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I would like to visit Tibet in a few years and I was wondering if it was possible to go from Nepal to Lhasa (Tibet) by foot. I've read that it was best to go by bus and/or plane, but I am very motivated and want to walk until the Tibetan capital.

I want to know if it has been done by tourists and if so, how it has been done (how to cross the borders, etc.). If not, a good alternative is always welcome. :)




  1. "Anywhere is within walking distance if you have enough time".  Steven Wright.

  2. It is possible, but you have to be fit, healthy.

    But however non-Chinese tourists are still not allowed into Tibet.

    Also if you are going into Tibet these way you will need to get a Chinese visa from the esammbly there, these is a special deal between the Nepal and Chinese governments, a Chinese visa from anywhere else is not good enough.

    Also you will need the Tibet entry permit and maybe an aliens travel permit.

  3. I am afraid the Government of China is pretty wierded out about Tibet and walking across the boarder is not permitted.  There is a special visa just for Tibet seperate from your China visa.  The visa allows you to go to Tibet only on group tours.  You can go with a group then wonder off on our own but you must go with them across the boarder.  You must either fly in from Chengdu or take the train.  For some reason it is illegal for foreigners to go by raod to Tibet from inside China.  From Kathmandu you can fly in for sure. Possibly take a bus.  If that's true then take the bus from the closest point to the Chinese boarder to the closest point on the other side. You'll not be able to walk that part, but you would still be walking a h**l of a long way.

  4. While working at China-Nepal border, I saw a few crazy (?) Tibetans at different times, who travelled on foot from Lhasa to Dharmashala (India, where Dalai Lama lives). For me it looked crazy, but I respect such a devotion of those Buddhists.

    It wa not just on foot. For each step of their travel, they used to sleep ventrally (on belly), mark the farthest point they reach forward with hand, step to that point, and again sleep on belly to mark next point by hand, and continue the journey.........From Lhasa to Dharmashala!!!!

    However, I never noticed anyone who walked on foot from Nepal side to Lhasa.

    Chinese immigration, that also related to entry in Tibet, may be stern. If you can convince them in advance, and get visa before you start the journey, your travel may not be difficult due to immigration issues.

    For comfort, I would recommend a motorbike or at least a bike. I have met European tourists coming from Lhasa to Kathmandu on motorbikes.

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